- Hello everyone. Welcome to Yoga With Adriene. I am Adriene and today we have an awesome yoga for beginners practice called the "Foundations of Ease". So this is a really digestible practice that might be perfect for someone who is super duper brand-new to the practice or if you're making your return, say you took some yoga classes back in the day and now you're wanting to start an at-home yoga practice. I hope that the session can be a reminder to all of us to continue to marry ease with all the effort we're putting in. So bring a blanket if you have one, hop into something comfy and let's get started. (upbeat music) Alrighty, my friend, welcome. We're gonna begin today's practice seated. If you like, I highly recommend lifting your hips up with a blanket or if you have a yoga block, great, but you don't need anything fancy. You can even use a thick towel or maybe even a couch cushion. Gonna sit up on top of something to get the hips a little bit higher than the femur, the thigh bone, the rest of your legs. This is gonna allow us to find a little bit more ease when it comes to sitting up nice and tall, improving that posture and kind of coming into our bodies in a way that feels good, that feels efficient. Like we're carrying ourselves around in a way that isn't painful and that feels like it's working for us, right, rather than against us. That said, if you're coming into this shape and you're like "Ooh, man. I feel like my shoulders are rounding over. "It's super hard to lift my chest," don't worry, right? That's why we're here. To begin, to start with some fundamentals of ease and really just go over a nice like holistic practice that's gonna help you getting your groove again. Right? Or if you're starting this practice for the first time, welcome. So glad you're here. So wherever you are, hopefully by now, we've come into a seat of your choice. We're going to just lengthen up through the crown best you can. Relax your shoulders down as much as you can. These little adjustments right away. Bringing more ease into the shape. And then as you feel comfortable, I'll invite you to close your eyes here or you can soften your gaze just gently down past your nose. Coming to a soft gaze. So there's an opportunity here to close the eyes or just soften the eyelids so that we can begin to tune in. And go inside, if you will. So letting the day, the external world, just kind of soften for a bit here and giving yourself permission to really check in, go inward. When we give ourselves this opportunity to kind of tune in before we start moving on the mat, it really influences the way we move and the benefits, kind of the nutrients we receive from our practice. So take a deep breath in here. And that's really the first fundamental is just allowing yourself to go inward. And it's gonna feel different, look different everyday. But starting your practice with a tiny moment of just checking in with your body, noticing... Start to gently deepen your breath here. Again, just moving into this role of the observer. Versus landing here ready to accomplish something. Are you gonna kick some butt? Probably. Are you gonna find what feels good? Are we gonna stretch? Are we gonna tone? Are we gonna strengthen each time we come on the mat? Most likely you're gonna find one of those things if not all of them. But the first fundamental of ease is really taking a moment to tune in and remembering to check in and see where you are. Because the practice that you maybe think might be good for you, isn't always the one that might be the best. So just another quiet moment here with your breath to notice how you feel. Just see how you're doing today. And the beauty of Yoga With Adriene is that most likely there is someone else practicing in this exact moment, even with you. So let's just kind of honor that. This idea that we're taking care of ourselves but we're also connecting to be the bigger picture. Let's honor that by taking a deep breath in here together. I'll cue it. Here we go, big inhale in through the nose. Breathe in. And exhale, all together, breathe out. Wonderful, you can open the eyes. We're gonna come forward on to all fours and if you brought a blanket or a pillow or a towel you can use it to pad your knees. Especially if you haven't been on the ground here in a while, it's nice to just set yourself up for greatness. I feel like there used to be a little bit of a stigma around props and goodies like blankets and blocks and things that help. And man, I say bring it. Bring it to class. Use it, especially at home, right? So set yourself up for greatness here as we come to our first Tabletop Position together. For me this Tabletop Position is like one of the basics but I feel like there's so much depth in this shape that that if you kind of get in the habit of a really checking in with your action and alignment in Tabletop, it's gonna influence the rest of your asana practice in a really miraculous way. So just take a second here. And if this feels really slow for you just see if you can stick with it and maybe find something new. Maybe a more detailed or more nuanced thing for you. Okay. So we're gonna spread the fingertips super wide. Bring the wrist right underneath the shoulders. You don't need a mirror here. Use your inner mirror. So even me I often, you know I see myself on video and I think I'm doing one thing but it looks like the other. So I can't stress this enough, focus on what it feels like. So I'm guiding you to stack the shoulders over the wrists, but don't worry about what it looks like. Try to move into a sensation where it feels like, "Mhmmm, these bones are stacked." Alright, that where we're gonna work for now. And then we're gonna turn the pinkies out just a little bit towards the outer edge of the mat and your index finger is gonna be pointing towards the front edge. Fingertips are spread wide. Now, from here, just playing with the palms. I'm gonna press into the fingerprints, press into the knuckles and try to take more pressure out of the wrist by pressing into the fleshy part of my hand that's between index finger and thumb. And if you're like, "Whoa, this is a big stretch for me," me as well. It's all good. Take a deep breath in. On an exhale, bend your elbows, just bend your elbows and try to keep him hugging in toward your side body versus going out. So bend your elbows in, in, in towards the tops of your thighs. Good, then press them up. Take a break. And then here we go, bend the elbows again. Send them just in towards the thighs. Start to kind of shake maybe a little bit here. Awesome and then straighten the arms. And one more time, bend the elbows. Maybe you go a little lower this time. Gaze is straight down. And then back up, awesome. Now this time careful not to lock out the elbows, but keep a slight micro-bend in that same direction, in that same line. Awesome, now walk and the knees underneath the hip points. And again, you want the sensation, the feeling of the bone stacking. So this hip socket stacked over the knee joint. Excellent, then curl the toes under, inhale in, exhale, send the hips back. So we're pulling the hip crease back. But when you get here, see if you can find the sensation that you're actively pulling back rather than just sitting back into the heels. So we're actively pulling the hip creases back and that might change what's happening in the shoulders. Awesome, then come back up. Take a deep breath in. And exhale, pull the hip creases back. Hip creases pull back. We're gonna use this in our lunge work here in a second. So we're pulling back. We're pushing away from the yoga mat with the palms. Great, then come back up. Reset. Soft bend in the elbows and then send it back on more time. This time try to press into your pinky toes. So we're waking up through the whole foot. Even if your pinky toe is not anywhere close to the ground, try to press into that pinky toe. Good, and then come back up. Here we go. We're gonna press into the tops of the feet, inhale, drop the belly, open the chest, look forward. Pause here. Upper arm bones are gonna rotate externally out. So your biceps are shining towards the front edge of your mat. Inhale in here. Careful not to crunch the back of the neck. Keep a soft, easy, breezy vibe through the shoulders, the neck and the face. So we're not clenching. And then on your exhale, maintain that ease in the face as you soft and easily draw the navel up. So we're not jerking ourselves around here. We're moving in a way that is kind of influencing the next movement to be soft and easy as well. Okay, keep it going, inhale, drop the belly. Open the chest, look forward. And exhale, round through the spine, chin to chest. Navel draws up, up, up. Inhale, drop the belly. Open your heart. And exhale, round through. Great, inhale come to a nice neutral spine. Beautiful, we're gonna curl the right toes under, just the right toes. We're gonna send them all the way out to a nice straight leg position. We're gonna come off the wrists in just a second. You're just gonna rock a little front and back, stretching through that ankle, through that calf. Waking up the core here, navel draws up and in. Good, then we'll switch. Right knee comes in. We'll curl the left toes under. Kick it out, nice and easy. Some floor work here to start. Really just taking it slow. Deepening the breath. Waking up the body. Good, rocking front and back. Bring the low belly into it, draw the navel up and in. You got this. And then slowly release. Awesome, we're gonna bring the knees as wide as the yoga mat now. Bring the big toes to touch. Pull the hip creases back, reach the fingertips forward first. Then drop the elbows bring the palms together. Now from here, peek at me if you need to, you're gonna draw the chin to the chest. We have a big shoulder opener here, heart opener so don't let the elbows come too wide. Try to keep them in line with your shoulders. We're gonna slowly drawl the chin in. Draw, I said "drawl", hello. Draw the chin in. And then the palms can come all the way up and over to be behind the neck or the head. So we call this lil' Namaste Shark Fin. It's kind of silly but it somehow has become a thing in our community but we're starting to open up through the shoulders. Feeling a nice stretch through the triceps. The chest. Breathing deep. So this warm-up is really an invitation to start to feel the body as one moving part rather than a bunch of disjointed parts or body parts that we're working on. We are working with all parts. The whole shebang. And, inhale in. On an exhale, slowly float the fingertips back down. We're gonna rise up by drawing the navel up and in and from your core we'll kind of rise back up to all fours. We're gonna walk the hands out now a little bit wider than we had them before. Spread the fingertips, pinkies are on the edge of your yoga mat. You're gonna curl the toes under here. Inhale in. Exhale, keep the knees bent as you peel the tailbone up to Downward Facing Dog. Great, start by pedaling the feet here. A little back and forth. And then send your gaze over to your hands and just check in. Spread the fingers. Find that hand-to-earth connection just like we had in Tabletop Position. Biceps by the ears. Elbow creases rotating forward and then relax the head back over as you come into your shape. Hug the low ribs in. Remember peeling the hip creases back. Peel 'em up and back here. Inhale in deeply. Good, and then exhale come all the way back to your knees. Great work. Walk the hands underneath the wrists here. And on your next breath in we're gonna curl the right toes under. This time we're gonna kick the right toes out and lift the right heel up. Good, take a deep breath in. On an exhale, we're gonna bend the right knee. We're gonna step it or slide it all the way up into the lunge. And if it doesn't make it right away, go ahead and stay calm and just use your hands to slowly get that foot up there. Take your time. Good, then we're gonna check to make sure that the front ankle is over, excuse me is, under the front knee. So this is kind of, not always a rule of thumb, but this is a fundamental that we can use for a good amount of time in our practice, particularly in the beginning. So wanna keep front knee over front ankle. And you're gonna start to really feel that in the groin especially if this is new. So if you're not quite there yet, just notice where you are and in time we can breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe and work to find ease in getting that front knee over the front ankle. If you're there and your practicing the session and you want to stick with it, I'm gonna give you something to work with too. Go ahead and walk that left knee back. Right? Walk the left knee back. Then, everyone, take a look down and just notice what's happening in your fingertips. Are they turning a different color? Can you become a little bit lighter on the fingertips and what needs to happen in order for you to become light on the fingertips? For me, I need to check in with my core. I need to find length in my spine. I need to squeeze the inner thighs together towards the mid-line so I can really find that connection. Alright? And then, from here, we're gonna curl the left toes under, inhale in. Exhale, lift the back knee. Alright, continue to breathe deep. And now here comes the question of the day. The question to ask yourself here is, "Am I working harder than I need to?" So how do I balance my effort with ease? So I'm pulling the right hip crease back here. I'm trying to stay light on the fingertips. I'm waking up my legs. That's waking up my hips, my glutes, all the way up through the spine. I'm keeping a nice, long neck but then where can I find ease? Where can I soften? Alright, where can I marry a little grace to the strength that I'm building? Take one more deep breath in here. You're doin' awesome. Good and then exhale, slow and steady, lower that back knee to the ground. Awesome. We'll come on to the hands. We're gonna slowly come back to that Tabletop Position. Nice and just take a second here to find soft, easy movement. If you want to do a Child's Pose here, you can. Alright, and now Downward Dog practice number two. Walk the hands out. Here we go. Curl the toes under. So find that hand to earth connection first. Externally rotate through the shoulders. When you're ready, claw through the fingertips, peel up from the hip creases. Lift the hips up high and back. Now make sure you're not holding or gripping in the head or the neck here. Soft and easy and for this round, I'm gonna invite you to turn your toes inward just bit so you feel this inner rotation of the ankle, the shin, the kneecap, the tops of the thighs all the way to that hip socket. Then draw your navel in and up. And don't worry about your heels touching the ground but think about your heels reaching towards the ground and notice if that changes anything in the shoulders, the torso. Good, now come back to your breath. You're doing great. Claw through the fingertips. Inhale in. Exhale out. Inhale in one more breath. And then exhale to slowly lower to the knees. Awesome work. Great, from here reset, curl the left toes back. Excuse me, curl the left toes under, kick that left foot back. And then when you're ready, lift it up. Exhale, bend the left knee, slow and steady bring it all the way up into your lunge. Again, you can use our theme today of kind of finding ease even in the transitions. So if this is a difficult transition, make it work for you. Try not to get too judgmental. Right? Be kind to yourself. We're here. We're doin' it. We're exploring. And we will make progress in some way if we keep showing up. Alright? So first thing's first, just find some soft, easy movement here and let's find our action and alignment. So we have this action of pressing into all four corners of the feet. We want to stack the front knee over the front ankle. Gently pull the left hip crease back. Back knee is on the ground. If we want a little more, we can walk the right knee back. If you're brand new to the practice, you don't need to worry about that move, I think. Just breathe 'cause you're probably feeling a big, big, big stretch in the groin and in the hip creases. Alright, now from here, checking in with the breath. Growing a little bit lighter on the fingertips to wake up the core, to kind of stimulate this full body, this whole body approach. And then when you're ready, curl the right toes under, take a deep breath in. And on an exhale, we'll lift the back knee up. Really, really reach that right heel towards the back edge. Front knee stays over the front ankle and the body might start to go into a little panic mode, so what do we do? We use the breath. We lengthen through the spine. We think of the body as one moving part. So what little minor adjustments can we make to find a little more ease? Asking the question of the day: "Am I working harder than I need to?" So we find that effort to support ourselves and then we marry it with a little bit of ease. So that you can feel good while working through the relaxing moments but you can also feel good or feel like you're in control as you're working through the challenging moments. Again, this idea of working with your body, not on it. Working for yourself, not against. Alright, one more deep breath in. You're doin' awesome. Use an exhale to slowly lower the right knee to the earth. Phew, awesome work. Come on to the palms. We'll slowly bring the left knee all the way back. Take a second here. Little breather. If you want to come off the wrists, you can. Nice and easy. Alright, our third Downward Dog. Walk the palms forward, curl the toes under, lift the hips up high, peel 'em back. Excellent, so we have the external rotation in the shoulders. We have this internal rotation in the lower body and in the legs and the hips. For this one now, send your gaze towards your belly button. Send your gaze towards your belly button. Then draw your belly button, see if you can draw it up to your spine to engage the muscles of your core. Hug the low ribs in. Great, reach down through the heels, claw through the fingertips. Return to the sound of your breath here. You got this, big inhale in. And then long breath out. Big inhale in. And slowly lower to the knees as you breathe out. Awesome. Inhale, kick the right foot all the way out. Exhale, step it all the way up into your lunge. Great, this time we're gonna interlace the fingertips and bring them to the top of the thigh. So we're building up. Building from the ground up. Even here, am I working harder than I need to? Am I kind of huffing and puffing? Can I start to soften through the face, use my breath and just take it nice and slow, baby? Working to get front knee over the front ankle. Always remembering to build from the ground up. So even that back foot here I'm pressing down firmly. Great, then you can stay here or actually, let's all do this bit first. So take your hands and we're gonna pull the right hip crease back in space. And you can even peek at me if you need to. So here's just me kind of dumping into my hip. I'm gonna pull that right femur back, that right hip socket, getting really snuggily. And what that does is it also allows me to find more length in the front body here. Alright? So try to maintain that and you can stay here, hands on top of the thigh or we can reach the fingertips forward, plug the shoulders back, and then continue the journey all the way up. Palms facing together. Beautiful, breathing deep here. If you feel really tight in the shoulders, give yourself a little more space up here. Maybe coming to a V. Awesome. Breathing deep here, inhale in. Exhale, everyone release. Let's bring the fingertips to the mat for stability. Okay, building on. From here with fingertips on the mat, not too much weight in the fingertips so starting to wake up the core even in the smallest way, I'm gonna take my back foot, I'm gonna turn it to the outer edge of the mat. So I'm taking it to the right side, right to the lip. I'm rotating in the left hip while keeping this front knee stacked. Good, then from here, I'm gonna lift up. Ground through that front leg. Use what you got so press into that front foot and I'm gonna bring the right elbow to the top of the right thigh. Left hand's gonna come to the waistline and I'm gonna breathe here, just checking it out. For some, you'll go right there. For others it's like, "Wow, I haven't felt this spiral in "connection to my hips in a long time if maybe ever." Just breathing deep. And if you have been here before and you're feelin' pretty good, then start again, start to find the little nuances. Play with that femur drawing in. Maybe tailbone lengthening down. Playing with some of the details here. Finding that Sukha or that ease. Noticing what muscles are turning on for you, okay. That's plenty to work with. Alright, so with the left hand on the waistline here, I'm just gonna notice the sensation of my front body. Do I feel like I'm kind of splaying out here or do I feel connected? Can I hug the low ribs in? Then everyone take your left hand to your right rib cage and you're just gonna drag your left hand across the rib cage here. You can almost maybe give yourself of smearing some honey across and just see if that opens up the chest a little more towards the sky. Great, then notice if the front foot has started to turn or the ankle started to sickle. It's okay if it does. Just notice. Woo, yeah. There's a lot going on here even without the back leg lifting. And then option to send the left fingertips up towards the sky. Big opening here in the left pec. Or all the way up and overhead towards the front edge of your mat. So just to give you an idea of where it's going, you can peek at me and the full posture the back leg is lifted, the hips are open and we're here. So we're working on the fundamentals. Making sure we're checking in with the sensation of each shape before we get too far ahead of ourselves. Okay, inhale in here. Exhale, bring the left hand back to the waistline. Great, slowly come up. We're just gonna bring the fingertips back down to the earth. Bring that left foot all the way towards the back edge. Everyone inhale, look forward. And then exhale, just counter pose here, we're gonna peel the right hip crease back, flex the right toes towards the face. Good, bend your right knee generously. Relax the weight of your head over. You're doin' the good work, inhale in. Nice and then exhale, rolling all the way back through. Just plant the palms nice and easy here. Nothing too fancy. You're gonna come back to all fours. Okey doke, walk the hands out, curl the toes under, inhale in. Exhale, Downward Facing Dog. So putting all the pieces together here. Downward Dog. Finding all the places in which we can connect. Thinking of the body as one moving part working together. It's all connected. Great, take a deep breath in here. You're doin' awesome. And exhale, slow descend. Try to create a soft landing with the knees, so with control. Excellent, inhale, kick the left foot out. Exhale, step it all the way up. Take your time getting it up there. Beautiful, fingertips come to the mat. We hang here for a second. Front knee over front ankle. Find your breath, pull the left hip crease back. Then when you're ready use your fingertips on the ground to stabilize you. You're gonna lift the right foot and bring it over towards the left edge of your mat. So big hip openers here. So pay attention, breathe deep. Breathe into your belly, particularly if you're feeling any tightness in the low back. Breathe into that belly. It's gonna help move the hips. Send that breath downward (laughs). Alright, and when you're ready, here we go, lifting up. Press into your foundation. Left elbow to the top of the left thigh. Right fingertips to the right waistline. So I'm hugging this left thigh bone up and in. I'm pressing firmly down through my right shin, right foot. Then you can stay here or maybe smearing the honey. Right hand comes to the left rib and we open, open, open, open, open up towards the sky. Maybe hand stays on the waistline here or we continue up towards the Heavens, reaching fingertips. Should feel big sensation in the right oblique, the right side body, the right pec. Drawing the shoulder blades in and together for a little support. Pressing into the earth. Maybe taking the right fingertips up and overhead here. Nice long, beautiful neck. There is a tendency for us to collapse in the neck here. Left ear to left shoulder so keep the crown reaching. Keep that length. Good, inhale in. Exhale, slowly bring the right hand all the way back to the waistline. Navel draws in. We're gonna slowly dial it back to the lunge. Fingertips come to the earth. We bring the right foot back around. Here's our counter pose. Inhale in, exhale, pull the left hip crease back, way back. Keep a nice bend in your left knee here. And just saying hello, a loving hello to your body. Waking it up again. This will be just the perfect fundamentals practice to kind of get back to it or to start a new at-home yoga practice. And when you're ready, rolling through. Awesome work. Bring the palms to the earth. Step the left knee back. Alright. From here we're gonna spread the palms super wide. You're gonna walk the knees together, really together. We're coming into Half Plank here before we cool it down. So we're gonna come forward. Shoulders are going to go over the wrists here and if you're already in a place today in your body where you want to work in full Plank, you certainly can here. Alright, so shoulders over the wrists. The fingertips are spread super wide. Upper arm bones rotate out. If you're in the full Plank really reach your heels towards the back edge. Reach the crown of the head towards the front, everyone. And see if you can think of this straight line from the crown to the tail. So no dipping with the belly and the low back and no arch with the booty sticking out. So just play with that here a little bit. Tug the shoulders away from the ears. Maybe you're on the knees and want to take a breath in full Plank, lifting the knees up. Just see what happens. It's a great way to turn on your center, to turn on the abdominal wall. We're breathing here. For four. Three. Two. And on the one, slowly lower everything to the ground. Nice and easy. Great, drag your hands in line with the ribcage. Press into that which is touching the earth. So press your pubic bone into the earth. Press the tops of the feet into the earth. Tuck the chin and whatever you do let's focus on keeping nice, soft, easy, breezy energy in the neck so no crunching of the neck. Squeeze the elbows into the side body. Inhale in. Just lift up enough that you feel the muscles of your back turn on and we don't crunch the back of the neck. Good, a little Baby Cobra here. Working steadily. Alright, release. Forehead kisses the earth. Two more like that. Inhale from your foundation, engage. And just lift up enough that you feel the muscles of the back and no fussiness in the neck. Good, and exhale forehead kisses the mat. And once more, here we go. Inhale, lift up, this time I'm gonna give you a little friendly challenge of lifting the hands, turning the palms face up and just notice, "Can I hold myself? Is this sustainable? "Or was I working a lot harder than I need to? "Can I back off a little bit and come here?" Building that strength, mindfully marrying the ease with the effort. Good, palms come to the earth. We'll release. Go ahead and press back onto all fours and take a Child's Pose. Knees together or knees wide. Fingertips reaching forward or this time you can try reaching the fingertips back all the way towards the feet. Awesome work. Take a deep breath in. And empty it out. Then again, a deep breath in. And empty it out. Close your eyes. One more time, inhale lots of love in. And exhale lots of love out. Just take one more moment here to relax, to rest. Who knew? Back to basics. So much there. I have so many friends and colleagues that we're just constantly talking about the power of returning to the basics, to the fundamentals of ease and how often we're working a lot harder than we need to be. And what if we could get good at finding ease in challenging moments? Imagine what that could do for us off the yoga mat and in our everyday. Gently drag the hands back up. Come up to a nice, comfortable seat of your choice. If you want, you have a little time today, I invite you to lie down on the ground just for a couple minutes or more. So come back to this video especially if you found some difficulty today, come back to this video and then maybe let it be inspiration to continue on to some other beginner videos or foundational videos. And just try to keep an open mind and show up with a willingness to learn rather than master. I hope to see you again soon. Let's take a deep breath in. Bring your palms together at your heart and as you exhale, close your eyes. Just give thanks for your body, for this opportunity to connect mind and the body and the breath or the spirit so that you can feel good. We want ya feelin' good. Whenever possible. Let's take one more deep breath in together. And exhale to close it and bow. Namaste. (upbeat music)