- What's up everyone, welcome to Yoga With Adriene. I'm Adriene, this is Benji, and it's Day 6. (mimics fireworks) Burn. Do not be afraid. (chuckles) Let's get started. (bright upbeat piano music) Okey-doke, we're going to begin today's practice with the pranayama, with a breath technique called Breath of Fire. So, watch out, (laughs) just kidding. We're gonna sit up on a little blanket or block, or a towel if you have it. If not, no worries. Let's all come in to a seat. Lengthen up through the spine. And draw one hand to the belly, place the other one right on top. Just take a moment if you can, I can even feel myself moving around a lot. Just my energy here today. Just try to come into a place of stillness to begin. And I'll let you to close the eyes to see if that helps. Relax the shoulders and just land with a deep breath in, and a long, long breath out. And you might feel a bit tired. If that's the case for you and you have no problem being still right now, then I have your back with the next breath technique. We'll bring some energy to the body. And if you're feeling like it's hard to be still right now, you know what to do, anchor in the sound of your breath. Slow down your inhale. Slow down your exhale. Maybe we all find a slight gentle reverent bow, just tucking the chin a little. Going inward. Let's have a moment of gratitude here just for yourself for showing up for yourself. For when we take the time to condition, and to practice sustaining the effort of being curious about our own selves on our own paths, and that helps inform our relationships with others and the way we move and walk through the world. Take one more moment here. Inhale. And then exhale, lift the chin, gently open the eyes, and then we will begin Breath of Fire. So a quick tutorial. Inhale, breathe into your hands. Feel the breath expand. We've already been here, we've set up the foundations of this, and then exhale, draw the navel in. Squeeze it in, in, in. So there's an expansion as you breathe in, give it a try. And then a contraction, as you breathe out, give it a try. And we're just gonna speed that up. So we inhale, belly expands, we've talked about that directional breath going down, it expands. And on the exhale, it's a sharp quick inhale in, or excuse me, exhale in with the contraction. So inhale. expansion. Exhale, contraction. Inhale, expansion. This is just practice. It's all practice, and then exhale, draw it in. Now we're gonna speed that up. Inhale. Exhale. (repeated breathing) Great, then let it go. So that is our Kapalabhati Breath, some layers. The inhale becomes passive once you find your rhythm, and you focus on that short, sharp exhale, that contraction drawing the navel. Think about the image of drawing the navel back in towards the spine. So there's a string that expands out on inhale and then it gets pulled back in on the exhale. Another layer is once you feel like you don't need to look at me or once we begin, send your gaze down gently past your nose. Soft gaze, just bringing your concentration, your focus inward on the breath. You might start to get off the rhythm, you might fall off path, right? What's new? That's life, all good. Come back to the breath, the rhythm, and you'll find your groove again. Fall off, come back, and get into the groove again. Alright, Breath of Fire's so wonderful for kind of burning (laughs) any toxic energy. This is known to be really good for preventing illness, disease, and ultimately today just to be a matter of fact, this is gonna help give us energy for a bit of core conditioning that hopefully centers you and is a lot of fun. Okay. Alright, so hands come back to the belly, let's begin. First, just one big inhale. And a long exhale. And inhale to begin Breath of Fire. (repeated breathing) Alright keep it going. Try to keep the shoulders relaxed, isolating just the navel to the spine. Creating that pump, that energizing rhythm. 10 more seconds. And let it go, big inhale in through the nose. Exhale, let it out, and close your eyes. Release the hands to the knees or the thighs and just notice how you feel. And the hands return to the belly for round two. Only two rounds of this, so here we go. Inhale in. Exhale to release. And inhale to begin Breath of Fire. 10 more seconds. And inhale in. Exhale out through the nostrils. Release the hands to the knees or thighs, close your eyes and observe. Alright, just a little taste. Notice how you feel and let's take it on to all fours. Tabletop Position, feel free to pad the knees if you like. Benji you didn't come to me for Kapalabhati. Usually the pets really like Breath of Fire, so if that happened to you, know you're not alone, hopefully it brought you some smiles. From Tabletop Position, drop the belly, open the chest, lift your heart, breathe in. Exhale, round through the spine, chin to chest, press into your foundation. Good, inhale, drop the belly, breathe in. Exhale, round through the spine, breathe out. One more, nice and slow, inhale. Drop the belly, breathe in. And exhale, round through nice and slow, breathe out. Good, inhale, Tabletop Position. We're gonna curl the right toes under, slide the right leg all the way out so your right heel's really reaching out. Then hold onto your center your core as you inhale, send the left fingertips forward, thumb up. Good now inhale, slide the right leg up, lift the right leg. Right toes dial down. Exhale, bring it all in. Knee to nose, round through the spine just like we did in Cat. Try to lift your heel to your glute. Good, inhale, extend, look forward, spread the fingers, spread the toes. Press away from the earth, and then exhale, keep pressing away from the earth as you round it in, contract. So inhale, we expand, radiating energy through the fingers and toes. And then exhale, round through. Keep it going. Inhale, extend. Exhale, round through. Careful not to lock through your right elbow. Slight bend there. Inhale, extend. Exhale, round through. Inhale, extend. Exhale, round through. One more, you've got this, stick with it. Inhale, expand. Exhale, round through. Bring your left hand to your right shin, squeeze and lift, squeeze and lift it in, and then let it all go. Alright, other side. Curl the left toes under. Send the left heal back. Now before you lift anything, connect to the torso, right? Bring in the abdominals. That's right, and then send the right fingertips forward, right thumb up. Pull the right shoulder back, and inhale, slide the left leg. Alright, inhale again to expand whenever you're ready. And with the exhale, reel it in. Inhale, reach. Exhale, bring it in. Nice and slow, follow your breath. Inhale, reach. Exhale, bring it in. Inhale, extend. Exhale, bring it in. Working on the muscles of the arms. The legs, the glutes, and the core. Building a strong back body. Inhale to extend. Exhale, bring it in, last one. If you took a break, come on back for this last one, inhale to spread the fingertips and toes. And exhale to bring it in. Hold here, take your right hand to your left shin, squeeze and lift it in, squeeze and lift. Press into your right foot for stability. Whoo, and then release, awesome work. Walk the palms forward, keep the knees underneath the hips. You're gonna walk the palms forward so that they're not directly underneath your shoulders. So just a little bit as if we were headed to Downward Dog, except we're gonna inhale, drop the belly here. And then exhale, send the hips back. Good, come through, pull all the heart through, drop the belly. So think long Puppy belly here, really stretching through the muscles of the abs, and then exhale, send it back. And then one more time, slide it through, drop the belly. And exhale, send the hips towards the feet. Awesome work. Alright, come on back, you can keep the hands where they are. Curl the right toes under, lift the right knee, curl the right toes under, lift the left knee, Plank Pose, really reaching the heels back, crown forward. Draw the shoulders away from the ears and find your center by lifting the navel in and up. You got this. Stay here breathing, find that Ujjayi breath, or check it out. Lift the right heel, let it hover. Option here to lift the left fingertips forward. You can work your way towards that. Maybe not even this year, maybe next year, or five years from now. So we're in Plank, we're in Half Plank with the knees. We're in Plank or we're lifting the right leg or we're lifting the left arm with it for three, two on the one, lower, try to stay lifted in your Plank, and here we go. Other side, lift the left leg, just a little hover here, we got this. Maybe the right arm reaches forward, maybe not. We're using this opportunity to breathe deep, build strength, feel that heat, definitely a burn. Beautiful, if the arm is lifted, lower it. If the leg is lifted, lower it. Everyone lower to your knees, bring the feet together, knees together. Send the hips back and then send the fingertips all the way back too as you bow the head, relax the shoulders down in Balasana. Take a deep breath in. Sigh it out with a little sound. Again, deep breath in. And lean into it, sigh it out. One more time, inhale. And let it go. Gorgeous, slowly come back up. Back to all fours, swing the legs to one side, any side, and let's come to a seat, legs out in front. Great, hands are gonna come behind the thighs. Lift those knees up just a bit so the heels are on the ground, toes are pointing face up. Now loop the shoulders forward, up and back, lift the chest. Inhale in. Exhale, navel draws into the spine, so I'm connected, I'm gonna use that as I lean back. Drag the heels towards the body a little bit more and lean back. Holding on with the arms here. Lots of beautiful upward energy through the front body, lots of beautiful downward energy through the back body. So you may just stay here, especially if you're already feeling that energy, that shake. Or you might begin to lift the shins parallel to the ceiling or to the sky. And then maybe you might reach the fingertips forward, draw the legs together, just maybe. Wherever you are, we're here fully arriving with each inhale. Heels on the ground, shins lifted, maybe fingertips reaching forward. Then wherever you are, inhale in, exhale, and you're gonna slowly, so even if the heels are on the ground, you're gonna slowly lower all the way down, straighten the legs, low Boat Pose. And then gather yourself, come back up. Heels can totally come to the ground or here. Again, low Boat, inhale. Use that contraction, come back up to wherever you were. Let's keep it going. Inhale, low Boat. Exhale to lift. Inhale, low Boat. Exhale to lift. Stick with it, you got it. Inhale, low Boat. Exhale to lift. Inhale, low Boat. Exhale to lift. Now check it out. (laughs) Hands are gonna go over to the left side as we low Boat to the left, come back up. And now to the right, low Boat to the right. Come back up. Low Boat to the left. And back to center. And to the right. Back to center. Inhale, low Boat to the left, this time you're gonna try to walk on to your left butt cheek, and then back to center, squeeze. And you can take a full stop here in the center moment. And inhale to the right, right glute, reaching to the right and back to the center. Do a nice slow pace here. Slow burn. Left, center. Inhale, right. Use the exhale, that sharp contraction, to bring you up. So we're using the breath, breath's still leading the way. Inhale, low Boat to the left. Exhale, center. Low Boat to the right. Center. One more on each side. If you took a break, awesome. Come on back for this last round, here we go. To the left. Center. To the right, inhale. Exhale, center. Beautiful. Open the knee, soles of the feet come together. Inhale, loop the shoulders forward, up and back. Lift your chest nice and proud. Feel the heat in the back of your neck and maybe your chest and your armpits and your legs. Notice what it feels like to be alive today. Take a deep breath in. And then exhale, send your heart forward, head forward. Maybe you grab the toes, bend the elbows left to right here. And melt the heart down. The weight of the head can fall over. Today for this variation, just let it go. Breathing. That's hard work, way to go. Inhale, lift the heart. Bring the legs back to center, and we're gonna come onto our backs. Alright, knees are up, feet are on the ground, toes pointing forward. Interlace the fingertips, bring them behind the head, but go ahead and keep the thumbs extended. I love to extend the thumbs to create a little neck hammock for myself. Elbows are gonna stay wide, we scoop the tailbone up so the low back's nice and flush with the mat. Let the breath guide you, inhale in here. Exhale to lift up, but instead of crunching like so, keep your gaze up towards the sky. Imagine you're holding a piece of fruit between your chin and your chest. Keep the elbows nice and wide, and take it upon yourself to really engage, stay here, hang out for a second until you feel a little bit of a burn, a little connection in the abdominals. Now with the breath, inhale, lower. Exhale, contract, and lift again. Inhale, lower. Exhale, lift. You got this. No need to think too hard. Just follow your breath. Let your breath lead the way. Exhale, lift. Inhale, lower. Exhale, lift. Inhale, lower. Exhale, lift. Keep it going. Good. Inhale, lower. Exhale, lift. The next time you're lifted, stay lifted. You're gonna reach the fingertips towards the heels here. Stay lifted, lifted, lifted. We're not crunching. We're keeping the shoulders nice and relaxed. Now reach your left fingertips towards your left toes. Then come back to center. Right fingertips towards right toes. Back to center. Now keep it going. Gazing up at the sky. Hugging the low ribs in. Breathing deep here. Beautiful, now interlace the fingertips, come back to your neck hammock for support. Head stays lifted, elbows nice and wide. Alright, lift the right shin now, lift the left shin, and here we go, breathing nice and evenly, we're gonna drop the right toes down. Bring it back up, and then the left toes down. Bring it back up. Right toes down. Left toes down. Right toes down. Left toes down. Low back stays nice and flush, you got this. Right toes down. Left toes down. Now send both legs up towards the sky. Take your hands, reach them over towards the left side of your mat. And this is like the old school Yoga With Adriene image that is like holding Simba over the cliff. So you're reaching, you're really engaging your abs, no laziness here. Good, then bring Simba up and over. Take him to the right. Up and over to the left. Up and over to the right. Now check it out, up and over to the left, this time drop your right leg, let it hover. Back up to center, legs and arms, over to the right with Simba and leg, left leg down to hover. Okay back to center. To the left, dropping the right heel. And to the right, dropping the left heel. Back and forth, you got this. Exhaling when you come back to center. Alright, even it out, one more on each side. If you took a break, come back all in now, here you go. And then slowly release the head, just the head, the neck, the shoulders, keep the legs up. Awesome, you're doing great. Bring the palms down to the earth, legs stay up here. Last bit, we're gonna press the palms into the earth and we're gonna lift the soles of the feet all the way up towards the sky. So here we go, inhale in. And exhale to lift. Inhale, lower. Exhale, lift. Inhale, lower. Exhale, lift. Inhale, lower. Exhale, lift. Really working to find that engagement in the low belly here. Doesn't have to be a big move to do that. You can use your palms, in fact, do use your palms to press into the earth. Pressing into the earth as you lift, and lift, and lifting on the exhale. Alright, if you took a break, come on back in. We're gonna do five more together, here we go. One, two, three. And five, and release. Beautiful. Bring the feet to the ground, keep the knees up. Let's go right into a Bridge Pose. So toes pointing forward, palms on the ground. Squeeze your imaginary block between your thighs as you lift the hips. Feel that stretch through the abdominal. Should feel good. You're gonna walk the shoulder blades down and together. You might interlace the fingertips finding a little bind here. Shins forward, hip points lifting. Chest to chin, chin to sky. Take a deep breath in. Feel the skin of the belly stretch. Yes, and then slowly release. Bring it down, now supine Cobbler. So, we'll open the knees, soles of the feet come together. This is where we're gonna end today, so bring your left hand to your heart, your right hand to your belly. Take the deepest breath you've taken all day. And as you exhale, relax the weight of your body completely and fully into the earth. Close your sweet eyelids and relax your jaw. So if today was difficult for you, please know you're not alone. If you liked finding the fire, both in pranayama and the breath, and with the asana, the movements, then you can return to this practice for some mindful conditioning. But remember what we're on a quest for here is to have the breath really lead the way again. When we're babies, when we're children, it happens naturally and somewhere along the way we kind of lose that connection. So I'm all for conditioning practices. But here is to remembering how to create those practices in a way where they are in a marriage with the breath, alright. Let's take a quiet moment here. Notice how you feel. And use an inhale to fill the belly with air. Use an exhale to draw your navel to your spine and from that core connection, bring your knees together, legs together. Walk the feet now as wide as the yoga mat. Hands stay where they are and then the knees fall inward. Knocking in towards each other, resting together. So that now you can relax again the low body fully and completely so you're not holding the knees up in the air, but relaxing. And again, just a quiet moment here before we close to just notice how you feel. And we'll end with a cleansing breath here. Inhale in through the nostrils. Exhale out through the mouth. Again, in through the nose. And exhale, letting go of that which no longer serves. Sweet, inhale, bring the palms together. Thumbs up to the third eye. And exhale. And I look forward to seeing you tomorrow for Day 7, a little slice of heaven. Until then, take good care. Namaste. (bright upbeat piano music)