- Hello everyone. Welcome to BREATH, your 30 day yoga journey, I'm Adriene. This is Benji and today is Day 5. High fives all around. If you make it to Day 5, you can do this whole journey. So today we hunker down and replenish. Let's get started. (bright upbeat piano music) Alright today, we're going to begin on all fours. So come on down to the ground. Feel free to always pad those knees, if you need to. Spread the fingertips and we're gonna take everything we've introduced thus far and kind of bring it right into this beginning moment here as you begin to anchor in your breath. Listen to your body and just notice how you feel. Slip into the role of the observer. As you drop the belly, open the chest, inhale to look forward. And exhale to round through the spine. Chin to chest, we're beginning with a little spinal flexion today. Inhale to drop the belly. Look forward. And then exhale to round through the spine. Now I'd like for you to find a little rhythm with your breath here, and when you feel inspired go ahead and veer off the railroad tracks a little bit meaning you have the structure. Now you can find a little bit of freedom in the form as you tune in to the sound of your breath and just notice how you're feeling today. You can turn the fingertips around and bring the circles back into play. If you need a little stretch, through the hands, the wrists, the forearms. You can take Extended Child's Pose. Letting go of the day thus far. Putting your to-do list on hold. And embracing this time that we have curved out for ourselves together. Eventually we'll make our way all the way onto the belly. Just kind of following the feeling nice and slow mindfully to the belly. Then when you get there, I'll invite you to bring your elbows underneath your shoulders. Keep the wrists parallel. As if there are two railroad tracks, spread the fingertips, press into the tops of the feet root down through the pubic bone. Then draw your shoulder blades together and then down the back as you open up through the chest and begin to lift the chin a little bit without crunching the back of the neck. So keep the neck nice and long. Now, try probably won't actually get to do this but you never know, you never know. Try to press your pinky toe under the ground as you open up through the chest. Little grace notes. See if you can hug the low ribs in in just a bit here as we take Sphinx Pose. Now find your breath again. Pressing into the elbow. With your breath, inhale, turn to look over your right shoulder. I like to imagine someone kissing me on the neck here. Hey, why not? And then come back to center. Excuse me, and then take it to the other side as you inhale to the left. Get yourself a sweet kiss on the right side of the neck. Thank you very much. And then back to center, big inhale in. Exhale, tuck the chin, curl the toes under, lift the knees, forearm Plank. Yep, deep breathing here. Use your breath to support you. Breathe into all four sides of the torso or not here for long. Breathe nice, smooth, deep breaths. Don't hold your breath here. You got this for three, two, and on the one, lower the knees. Keep the elbows and arms, and hands, fingertips where they are. And you're gonna send the hips high. Keep the knees downlow, and then walk them back, back, back 'til your spine feels like it's a slide here. Hip creases up high, we're opening up through the sits bones here. So butts up and you can take a peak maybe lift your gaze to look and see if your fingertips are coming in or your elbows have gone out wide. Best you can work to maintain these two parallel lines lines between the elbows and the wrists. Heart to Earth Pose. Big shoulder opener here. Big heart opener, big chest opener. Breathing deep. Staying nice and rooted through the hands. Conscious of the feet, pressing into the ground best you can. One more deep breath in here. Nice, then exhale, slowly lift the elbows up. Hug the lower ribs, lift your chest. Come all the way back to that nice Tabletop Position. And then we'll curl the toes under once again. Take a deep breath in. Exhale, Downward Facing Dog. Take a couple breaths here, work it out. Marrying movement and breath, breath and movement. Inviting the body, the blood, the energy, the energetic body to all be replenished here. Alright from here make your way up to the top of the mat. You can take baby steps or you can hop. Feet hip width apart or flushed together, your choice. Toes pointing forward. Just nice conscious footing always. Bend the knees, let the upper body drape here. Let the head get heavy. And find a little sway today, a little side to side. Feeling your weight shift on the feet. I'm starting to use the sound of the breath to anchor the busy mind. And then when you're ready, bend your knees. Tuck your chin and slowly, begin to roll it up to standing. Take your time. And when you arrive, Mountain Pose. Take a deep breath in. And we're gonna squeeze the shoulders up to the ears. As you exhale, take them back and around and down. Again big inhale, squeeze the shoulders up to the ears. Stand tall. Exhale, back, around and down. And one more time just with the sound of your breath. Beautiful, from here, we're gonna take the fingertips forward. Cross the right arm over the left. Now from here, we're at a cross, we're gonna bring the fingertips up and then keep the spiral. Keep the cross to come into what we call Eagle Arms or Garudasan Arms. And if you are confused again, it's right over left. Bring the fingertips up and then just keep wrapping the arms. Now there's a high chance that they won't wrap. So we'll just do our best. Then we're gonna lift the chest up here. Inhale, lift the elbows up. Listen carefully, exhale, bend the knees bend the knees, send the hips back. And we're gonna round into a little ball. So as low as you can go. Just do your best. Really send your weight back into your hips, dig into your heels. Good, here we go. Press into the feet. Inhale, stand tall, lift the elbows. Exhale, send the hips back. Bend the knees, get down low, drop your center. Drop your weight into your heels. Push your weight back into your heels. And then inhale, lift up. Good. Again, bend the knees. Weight back in those heels. Send the hips back. Round it through chin to chest. Again, really send the weight back into your heels. If you fall back that's alright, we'll catch you. Good and then we rise up. Little similar to yesterday, open the arms, open the chest as if you're waking up in the morning. Nice big stretch here. Second side, here we go. Left arm crosses over the right. Fingertips up, we'll continue to wrap it around. And then here we go, inhale, lift the elbows, lift the chest, draw your navel in. So draw the low ribs and the belly button in. Find that containment. And then here we go, bend the knees, send the hips back. Send weight into the heels. Round it through chin to chest, navel draws up and in. If you want, you can lift the toes here. And then here we go, inhale, stand up tall, Lift the elbows. Careful not to splay out through the ribs too much. Keep that connection to center and then here we go back down. Bend the knees, send the hips back. Lots of weight in the heels. Push the envelope, navel draws in and out. Good and then inhale. We lift. Stand up tall. Draw energy up from the arches of the feet. Good, last time chin to chest. Here we go. Bend in the knees, sending the hips back, squeeze. And all the way back up. Nice. Open it up, take a deep breath in, stretch. Deep breath out, stand up tall Mountain. Good, inhale, reach for the sky. Exhale, Forward Fold. Inhale halfway lift, find length in the neck. Hug those low ribs in and up. Good, then exhale, soften and fold everything. Bend the knees, plant the palms. Step one foot back then step the other foot back for Plank or Half Plank. Root through the fingertips, ground down through the knuckles. There's not a lot of pressure in the wrists here, believe it or not. Now hug the low ribs in. The way we also take care of that is by connecting the core, right? Engaging the core. Reach the heels back, inhale in. Exhale, Downward Facing Dog. Beautiful. Inhale, lift the right leg up high. Nice and slow, no need to rush. Good. Feel it out here. Find your breath. Inhale, lift the right heel a little higher. Exhale, slowly shifting forward, squeeze and lift. And then step that right foot all the way up. Good pivot on the back foot. Inhale, sweep the fingertips forward, up and back. Warrior I. Exhale, Warrior II, open it up nice and wide. Straighten the front leg. Inhale, reach the fingertips all the way up and back. Big stretch. And exhale, cartwheel it all the way down bending in the front knee. Pivoting on the back foot. Coming into your lunge. On an inhale, reach the right fingertips up for a twist. Big breath in. Big stretch. Lots of the energy in the fingertips. Good, then exhale, bring it back down. Nice, plant the palms, step it back. Plank Pose, inhale in. Exhale to Downward Facing Dog. Alright, inhale, lift the left leg up high, nice and slow. Claw through the fingertips. Breathe here, check it out. Hug into that midline. Pressing into both palms evenly. Good. On your next breath in, lift the left heel a little higher. Then exhale, shift it forward with control. Nice and easy, step it up. When you're ready pivot on the back foot. Front knee has been we're anchored through the outer edge of that back foot. Inhale, sweep the fingertips forward, up and back Warrior I. Ah! Good, exhale, Warrior II. Open it up to the right. Pull the pinkies back. Remember head over heart, heart over pelvis here. Nice bend in that front knee. Now inhale, straighten the front leg. Lengthen through the left side waist as you reach back nice and long in the back of the neck. Good, then exhale. Have fun here! Cartwheel it all the way down. Back to your lunge. Pivot on the back foot and on your next breath in with energy in the left fingertips, reach up towards the sky. Big replenishing twist here. Good. On an exhale, bring it back down. Plank Pose or Half Plank. This time inhale, look forward, shift forward. Exhale all the way to the belly. Inhale for Cobra, Bhujangasan. And exhale to soften and release. Inhale to press up to Plank or all fours. And exhale to your Downward Facing Dog. For this Downward Dog, turn your toes inward. So we have like a pigeon toed dog and notice what that does. You can use your eyeballs here to see what that does with the ankles, the shins, the knees, the thighbone, the femur, and then those hip creases. Beautiful. Now we'll straighten it out just a bit but maybe keep a little bit of inner rotation. So the toes are turned in just a bit. So that inner thigh, the thigh bone can internally rotate. Alright, let's get off the hands. Bend the knees, inhale to look forward. Exhale, to make your way to the top. You can step, you can hop. You can Do-Si-Do. Grape vine. Inhale to lift up halfway. When you get there, follow your breath. Exhale to soften and fold in. Good, root to rise here. Ground through the feet, spread the fingertips. Inhale, reach high towards the sky. Big breath, big stretch. And exhale, bring the palms together and slowly slide them down to your heart. Relaxing your shoulders. As you do so close your eyes and just observe the breath. Notice how you feel. Try not to fidget here. I know it's hard and if you do, it's all good. You know, you do you. Take care of you, but just, right, we just want to bring, awareness to that. Alright, inhale in. Exhale, keep the hands where they are. You're gonna bend the knees and the hips back. We've already been here before. Feet are together, really together this time. So walk them together if they are not already. Send the hips back and we're just gonna shift our weight a little front and back so that we can eventually start to really feel what it's like to send, kind of can be scary at first, to send a lot of weight into the heels. In fact, you might challenge yourself, by lifting your toes here. Really keeping that connection, to all four corners of the feet. Samasthiti! And then lowering the toes, sinking down a little lower if you got it. Alright, check it out. Inhale in. Exhale, draw the shoulder blades together. Inhale in again. Exhale, take your right elbow over towards your left knee. Now work to anchor right elbow on the outside of your left thigh. And then take your bottom hand. Your right hand to a fist. Use your top hand to grow long through the spine. Maybe sink a little lower. Breathe into your belly. You got this. Squeeze the legs together. Good, then slowly release. Straighten the legs. Careful not to lock the knees. Let the head hang forward. Standing Forward Fold, Uttanasana. Take a deep breath in. Long breath out. Palms come together. We reset by bringing the hips back. Just a little hair toss. Uttanasan, palms together. Second side, here we go. For the twist, inhale, draw the shoulders, shoulder blades together. Exhale sink, a little lower. Good inhale send the outer edge of the left arm now to the outer edge of the right knee. Bottom hand becomes a fist. Use the top hand and press here. As you rotate the chest, the heart, opening up towards the right maybe even up towards the sky. Finding length in the spine, dropping your bum, holding onto your center. Breathing deep here. Inhale in. And exhale, let everything go. Awesome. Inhale, halfway lift. Nice long, beautiful neck. And then exhale to soften. Let it all go. Nice work. Bend the knees, plant the palms. Step one foot back then the other. Plank Pose. Inhale in here. Exhale, hips up high and back, Downward Facing Dog. So for this last bit of action, we're gonna walk the feet up to shorten the dog just a bit. And the heels can be super lifted. No worries there. Knees can be bent. Then we'll press into both palms evenly, we're gonna hug the low ribs in and we're gonna practice just lifting our right hand. And it's not about doing it and mastering it, it's about what needs to happen to maintain balance when we throw ourselves insanely off balance by lifting the right hand. Good, and then place it back down. Lift the left hand, see what happens. And you just kind of go off the course and then come back to center. Your breath has to change. We're building strength. Looking at our patterns. We're looking at who we are. And then bring the left hand back. One more time, this is it guys. Stick with me. Right hand lifts. You can stay here experimenting or you can take it to the outer edge of the left thigh, left shin, or maybe even to the left ankle. And then we'll press into the left palm and turn to look underneath our left armpit chest. Breathing deep here in this Down Dog twist. And then releasing. Taking it to the other side. Take a little break in between if you need to. Grabbing the outer edge of the right shin, right calf, right ankle. And then using this just like we did in that Uttanasana twist to find length in the spine and rotate. Turning our gaze to look underneath the right armpit chest. This is challenging, guys. So just use this opportunity to explore, to learn. Breathe into your belly. And then slowly release. Awesome work. We're gonna walk the feet back out. Draw the navel up and in. Shift to a Plank Pose, inhale in. And exhale, all the way to the ground. And then we're gonna walk the feet together. Squeeze the legs together as if they were now one leg. Press the pubic bone down into the earth, press the tops of the foot down into the earth. And we're gonna introduce the fingertips behind the tail for a little Locus variation. So knuckles are gonna draw down towards the heels as you open up through the chest. Inhale, just keep it nice and low. We don't need to push or press here. Breathe into your belly. Draw the shoulder blades together. Open up through the chest. And then maybe we lift the chin just a little bit pulling back a little bit so that we're not crunching here. You can even hear how this changes my voice so it's definitely gonna change the flow of breath and prana, energy. Stay here or option to inhale in. Exhale. Inhale, lift the legs. Exhale, maintain. Breathing deep here. Tuck the chin again. Careful not to crunch on the back of the neck. One nice long line from the crown of the head to the tail. Breathing deep here. Inhale in one last breath. And then use your exhale, follow that breath as you bring it all the way down. You're gonna bring the palms together and rest your head on the palms as if they were a pillow. Bring the not as if they were a pillow. Let that be your pillow. (laughs) And then bring the big toes together. Let the heels splay out. And take a rest. Close your eyes. And feel your breath. Feel your belly on the earth. Again, close your eyes, soften your jaw. Feel your breath. And then turn to the other ear or the other side. Relaxing a little bit more. Remembering that, yes, big twists, good exercise, eating healthy, nourishing foods all these things so replenishing. But also rest, right? Nice rest to balance it out. Alright, bring the head back to center for the rest of this. I'm gonna guide us to move as if we were in water. I know that's crazy, but just hear me out. So we're gonna slowly slide the hands underneath the shoulders. Curl the toes under as if you're moving through water your gonna press all the way up. Walk the knees underneath the hips, swing the legs to one side. Whoa! Catch a wave, inhale. Exhale, slowly make your way back to this seat you may remember. Close your eyes, sit up nice and tall. And observe your breath. And if it feels right, lift the corners of the mouth just a bit, because you did it. You showed up here today. And I really do believe that a little goes a long way and that the daily practice really pays off and the daily living, helping us replenish that which needs to be replenished so that we can feel good, so that we can know or have a sense of who we are. And so that we can show up and serve. Palms together. Lift your heart to your thumbs. Take a deep breath in. That's it, folks. Let's exhale, bow. Head to heart and whisper, Namaste. (bright upbeat piano music)