- Hello, my darling friends and welcome to BREATH, your 30 day yoga journey. It's Day 26, Expand. Let's get started. (bright upbeat piano music) Alrighty, come on down to the ground. We can sit up on something tall here to begin. Cross the legs, lengthen up through the spine. Take a deep breath in. And a long breath out. And then turn your palms face up, breathe in through the nose. And out through the nose. Close your eyes. Big sip of air here, inhale. And exhale. And one more time. Big inhale. Dropping in as you exhale. Beautiful. We're gonna extend the legs out in front. Bend the knees just a bit so you can get your hands right underneath the thighs here. Then you're gonna inhale, loop the shoulders, open up through the chest. And exhale, we're gonna drape the front body over or toward the thighs. Hands can release down to the earth or maybe on the ankles or the feet or maybe even interlace the fingertips above the shins or the ankles, and then relax the weight of your head over. So we're in a seated Forward Fold with the knees bent. Start to gently deepen your breath and as you do so, see if you can feel this expansion on the inhale. Torso widening. And then the softening on the exhale. Long inhalation, breathe in. Nice, even exhale as you breathe out. Beautiful. Slowly begin to roll it up. We're gonna bring the right knee all the way up and in. You're gonna give your right knee a hug with your left elbow and then we'll take the right fingertips behind. Nice and gentle here. Nice and gentle. Twisting to the right, big inhale. See if you can feel the expansion as you breathe in. So we're dropping that breath down and the softening as you breathe out. Nice, switch. Take it to the other side. Left knee comes up. We hug that left knee with the right elbow, left fingertips come behind. We're just checking in. Nice, easy twist here. Inhaling, feeling the belly, the rib cage expand. And exhaling, relaxing the shoulders down. Inhale to expand. And exhale to soften. One more breath here. Beautiful. And then we'll bring you both knees up. Cross the ankles. Come through to all fours. Can move your towel or blanket to the side. Then drop the belly, open the chest. Inhale, look forward. Claw through the fingertips. Exhale, rounding through the spine. Inhale, drop the belly. Heart shines forward. With your exhale, slow and steady, Cat. Inhale, Cow Pose. Exhale, Cat Pose. Once more with the sound of your breath. And then inhale Tabletop Position. Curl the toes under, keep the hands where they are, lift the knees, let them hover. Breathe here. Hovering Table, neck is nice and long. Just waking up the core, building strength. If you want you can lift the right foot for three, two, one, lower down. If you want, you can lift the left foot for three, claw through their fingertips, two, one and lower down. Beautiful. From here, send the hips up high and back. Maybe widen your dog a bit. Walk the hands out or walk the toes back. Inhale in deeply here. And exhale completely, really lifting those hip creases up towards the sky. Melting your heart towards your thighs and then hugging those low ribs in, lots of space between the ears and shoulders. Lovely, inhale in here. Exhale, step hop, float, two-step, do-si-do your way to the top. Feet hip width apart or flush together. Nice Forward Fold, standing at the top of your mat. Inhale, breathe in. Feel that nice wide lateral breath. Exhale, breathe out, ground through all four corners of the feet. On your next inhale, begin the journey all the way up. Slowly stacking the vertebrae. Rising up to Mountain Pose. Interlace the fingertips behind the back. Just take a breath or two here to open up through the chest. Maybe lifting the sternum and rocking a little side to side, soft knees. Checking with the head, the neck, unclenching the jaw, softening the skin of the face. Then we'll release the fingertips, inhale, reach all the way up towards the heavens. Exhale, Forward Fold all the way down. From here, feet hip width apart. We're gonna take the left fingertips to the center of your mat. So right below your gaze here, and you're gonna bend both knees. Take the right fingertips to the left wrist and we're gonna slowly straighten the right leg as we open up right fingertips to sky. So this could be a little tricky at first. So the left knee is bent. The right leg is straight and I'm reaching the right fingertips all the way up to the sky. Inhale in. Exhale, we come back down, bend both knees. Right fingertips replace the left fingertips on the earth and we pull back that bow and arrow and take it to the other side, straightening through the left leg, keeping the right knee bent, left fingertips reach all the way up. Nice, long, beautiful neck here, breathe. And see if you can find that expansive breath here. Nice active breath and then beautiful exhale. Melt it down. We're gonna take it to the right again. Left knee is bent. Right hip crease pulls up as you straighten that right leg, right fingertips reach towards the sky. Maybe in time you can take your gaze to the right thumb. And then slowly bring it back through. Right hand replaces the left, bend both knees, and then we pull up from the left hip crease, straightening through the left leg, left fingertips to the sky. Inhale in. Nice, expansive breath. Exhale, slowly bring it back down. Good. Inhale, halfway lift. Pull the elbows back, shoulders back. Nice long, beautiful neck. And then exhale, Forward Fold. Interlace your fingertips behind the backs of the legs here. You can bend your knees as generously as you need to. Inhale in again. And exhale, bend the elbows left to right as you pull your nose in towards your knees. You could be chuckling here right now, but just play, bend your knees as much as you need to. Spread awareness through all four corners of the feet. So careful not just to lean into the front foot. Beautiful, relax the bind, release the bind rather. Plant the palms, step one foot back, then the other, Plank Pose, inhale in. Exhale, lower all the way to the belly. Then we're gonna come onto the elbows here. Elbows right underneath the shoulders. Press into the pubic bone, press into the tops of the feet. Draw the shoulder blades together. Inhale for Sphinx. Exhale, turn to look past your right shoulder. Imagine someone giving you a little kiss on the left side of your neck. And then slowly come back to center. Take it to the other side. Dig into your right elbow as you turn to look past your left shoulder. Good, and then come back to center. Now from here, keep the elbows where they are. Interlace the fingertips. Inhale in, big expansive breath. Exhale, after the expansion comes a contraction. We're gonna use that contraction on the exhale to lift up into forearm Plank. Reach the heels back. You're not here long. Nice long, beautiful neck. Inhale in. Exhale, dip the right hip down. Bring it back up, inhale in. Exhale, dip the left hip down. And bring it back up. Back and forth. You got this. Nice and slow. Dipping the hip to one side and then the other. Alright, do one more on each side. You got this. And then slowly lower to the knees. Send the hips back. Drag fingertips all the way towards the back edge of your mat and melt down, Child's Pose. Or you can modify into a comfortable seat just to take a moment to close your eyes. Check in. Breathe. Expanding your awareness. Every time we show up. Staying curious. Keeping an open mind. Hopefully expanding our perspective in that practice or our perspectives. Let's keep going. Inhale, reach the fingertips all the way up. Slowly follow that gesture. Let your heart, your center, bring you back up. We'll curl the toes under. Lift the hips up high and back. Come to your Downward Facing Dog. Inhale, lift the right leg up high. Exhale, step your right foot all the way forward. Inhale, high lunge. Reach for the sky, deep breath. Exhale, bring it all the way back down. Beautiful. Step the right foot back. Inhale in. Exhale, Downward Dog. Hi Benji, oh good job! Benji's doing Downward Dog with us. Very nice. Very nice. Inhale, lift the left leg up high. Exhale, step it forward. High lunge, inhale, reach for the sky. Spread the fingertips. Exhale, bring it back down. Awesome job. Step the left toes back, inhale in. Exhale, hips high and back, Downward Facing Dog. Alright, listen carefully. Inhale, lift the right leg up high. Exhale, bend your right knee. Stack the hips. You could just stay here. We've been here before or big expansive breath here. Exhale, we're gonna bend the left knee. We're gonna bring the right toes down. Flip the Downward Dog, little rock star pose. Lift the hip points high up towards the sky and reach the right fingertips forward. Right knee is bent. Left leg is straight. I'm using my foundation to press away from as I lift the hips. Inhale in. Exhale, slow and steady, just come back the way you came. Soft bend in the knees. Downward Facing Dog, reset. Good. Inhale in again. Exhale, anchor through the right heel as you lift the left leg up high. Stack the hips. You could just work here. Or if we wanna work in wild thing, we'll slowly bend the right knee. Left toes come to the ground. I'm gonna slide my right leg as I lift my left fingertips all the way up. Left knee is bent. Right leg is straight. I'm lifting my hip points up. I'm pressing up and out of my foundation. Inhale in here. Big, expensive breath. And then exhale, slowly bring it all the way back to our final Downward Facing Dog. If the arms are quite tired, take the legs nice and wide here. Otherwise keep them where they are. Big inhale, you're doing great. Big exhale. One last breath cycle in and out. Good, slowly lower to the knees. Cross one ankle over the other. Use your hands to slowly guide yourself all the way back into a seat. We're gonna send the legs out in front one more time. Inhale, reach for the sky. And exhale, send your heart forward. You can work to straighten the legs a little bit more here, but be mindful and use this big wide breath to guide you a little bit deeper into the pose, relaxing the weight of the head down. Drawing the navel in, feeling that length in the low back. Stay here for another cycle of breath and see if you can really allow the breath to move you here. Just whatever that means to you, play. And then slowly roll it up. Benji's getting cozy and so are we. Point the toes, palms come-- (Benji moans) Palms come together, interlace the fingertips, point the fingers forward as you slowly, slowly, with control, come all the way to your back. Let's shake the toes left or right. Just rock the toes. A little windshield wiper kick with the toes, left to right. Good, then hug the right knee into the chest. And release it back down. Hug the left knee into the chest. And release it back down. Hug both knees into the chest. Grab onto the outer edges of your feet. Kick the soles of the feet up towards the sky, lengthen the tailbone forward. So the action here is really lengthening that tailbone down and forward towards the front edge of your mat, reaching the soles of the feet up, grounding the shoulders down. So lots of action here in Happy Baby. Now find that expansive breath. You got it. You can feel the compression, this awesome connection with your back to the earth when you breathe in. And then slowly release the legs to the ground, hands to the low ribs. Windshield wiper the legs one way. And then the other. And one way, and then the other, all the way down until your legs are nice and straight again. And allow your hands to rest gently at your sides or hands can rest on the belly or the heart space. Take the deepest breath you've taken all day. Big I love you breath and exhale, relax the weight of your body completely and fully into the earth. You did it. You showed up. Wow, amazing, amazing work. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow. You can do this. You're already doing it. So trust yourself. Trust the commitment and trust that it's meaningful. Bring the palms together, thumbs to third eye. One final, big expensive breath in. And a long, smooth exhale out. Then we whisper, Namaste. (bright upbeat piano music)