- Hello everyone. Welcome to BREATH, your 30 day yoga journey. It's Day 25, Love. ♪ And I ♪ ♪ Will always love you ♪ ♪ I will always ♪ ♪ love you ♪ ♪ You ♪ ♪ My darlin', you ♪ ♪ Mm-mm ♪ (bright upbeat piano music) Welcome, let's begin in a nice, comfortable seat. It's okay to have fun. I think we're in the home stretch of this journey and this is the perfect time to tap into some love. (laughs) Said that like a Texan, some love. Some love. We'll do some love for the lower back, love for the neck and shoulders, love for the hips, but really let this practice be an invitation or a reminder that when you show up for yourself, that's an act of love. It's a huge, humongous, Whitney Houston high-note-sized (chuckles) act of love, and it's beautiful and it's courageous. I very much believe that half the battle is showing up, and we're here now. So I hope you begin to feel the love that you deserve now and throughout this practice and beyond. Bring the fingertips to the shoulders, nice and easy. Take a deep breath in. As you exhale, relax the shoulders. Feel the shoulder blades getting heavy, melting down the back body. Sit up nice and tall, lengthening through all four sides of the torso. Acknowledging this lift in the front body and this grounding in the back body. And furthermore, acknowledging just opposition, light and darkness, sun and moon, masculine and feminine. And in your own time, we'll start to inhale, bringing the elbows together to kiss, and then taking them all the way up, around and back as you breathe out. And you can just follow the rhythm of your breath here as we start to move very slowly and gently. And then reversing it one elbow at a time. You're gonna swim one elbow forward and then the other. And then you're gonna release that by, listen carefully, tossing in a way. So do it again. One more time, one more time toss away that which no longer serves. And then we're gonna come to lie flat on our backs. Nice and slow. When you get there, take a nice full body stretch, breathe in. And breathe out. Wiggle the fingers, wiggle the toes rotate the ankles and the wrists. Feel the earth rising up to meet your back body close your eyes and just notice what it feels like for your mat to kind of have your back here. I know that sounds a little cheesy but truly this is a sacred space that we've been cultivating here. So I'm inviting you to acknowledge that. Feel held by that, in that. Bring the arms down. We're gonna hug the knees into the chest. Take a deep breath in. And then deep breath out to lower just the left foot to the ground, left knee stays bent. Then we're gonna take the right leg all the way up and cross it over the top of the left thigh. So right ankle to the top of the left thigh. Then we'll lift up off the left foot, thread the needle here, we've been here before. Nice and easy. No need to squeeze too hard. Just let it all kind of unravel here as you deepen your breath gently. Maybe you rock a little side to side. With some energy in the feet here, imagine you're pressing your left foot into a wall as you gently draw your legs up towards your heart or your chest. Now, on an inhale, extend the left leg up towards the sky, point your left toes. And then slowly release, everything unravel. We'll bring it back down. Hug both knees into the chest. Breathe in. Right foot comes to the ground as you breathe out. Inhale, send the left leg up towards the sky. Exhale, cross it over the top of the right thigh. When you're ready, lift the legs, thread the needle, and maybe soft easy movement here. Breathing deep. Then inhale, extend the right leg all the way up. Point the toes, point, point, point. And then exhale, unravel, bring it all back down. Hug the knees back in. This time, palms to the knee caps then send the knees out, open the knees wide. Then bring them in towards the chest. Nice and slow here to start out. Straighten the arms around, in, and then continuing in your own rhythm with your breath. I encourage you to move slow here, at least to start to really feel the sensation in the hip socket, and that connection to the lower body. Alright now, bring the knees together, really together. Slide the hands to the backs of the thighs. Try to move from center, from this place of connect. As we lift our heart up, hi Benji, and then rock it back. Give it a try. Lifting it up. And back. And if you don't make it, you're not alone. And you can use your elbows, your hands to help lift you up. I feel like this is a great moment for our humility practice too, but we're rocking up and down the length of the spine, your version. Getting a little massage and then the next time you rock up, you'll cross the right ankle over the left. Come through to all fours. Walk the knees back, back the truck up, so you're nice and centered on your mat. Wonderful. From here, we're gonna inhale. Kick just the right leg out. Kick it out. Exhale, bring it all the way up and into your nice low lunge. Walk the left knee back, walk it back. And then here we go. Left hand comes to the earth. Inhale, right fingertips all the way up towards the sky. Exhale, send the right fingertips all the way back and then around and down. Pull the right hip crease back, flex your right toes towards your face. Inhale to look forward. Exhale, roll through that right foot. Left hand comes to the mat, right hand comes over to meet the left. We're here in a nice low Lizard. Back knee stays on the ground here. (Benji groans) (Adriene chuckles) Breathing deep. Good, walk your right hand back. Walk your right foot into center. So you're framing your right foot. Curl the back toes under and here we go, Plank Pose. Lift your heart up towards the sky, heart center up towards the sky. So upper back has this nice doming position. Inhale in, exhale, lower all the way to the belly. Inhale, Cobra. Exhale to release. Curl the toes under, press it back up to all fours. Beautiful. Here we go. Inhale, kick the left leg out. Exhale, guide it all the way up. Take your time. Remember you can use your hands to guide it up. Stay connected to center. Nice and easy, right hand to the earth. Inhale left fingertips up towards the sky. So don't let that left knee splay out here. Left knee over left ankle. Good. Now on an exhale, guide the left fingertips all the way back towards the back edge of the mat and then all the way back down. Beautiful. Pull the left hip crease back. Left toes flex towards the face here. Inhale, look forward. Exhale, make your way back to the nice low lunge. Go ahead and walk that right knee back if you haven't already. Just get a little deeper stretch. And then take the left hand, bring it over to meet the right. we're breathing here. We're pressing down through the front of that right foot. Good, inhale to look forward. Exhale, bring it back, framing the left foot with the hands. Curl the right toes under, lift the back knee. Here we go. Step it back nice and strong, Inhale in deeply here. Exhale, belly to Cobra or Chaturanga to Upward Facing Dog. Inhale to open your heart. And exhale to send it back, Extended Child's Pose. So you walk the knees back, hips back towards the heels, heart melts to the earth. Take any variation you like in the fingers and the arms, maybe soft fingers, or palms together, Namaste. Maybe you keep nice active arms if you have good amount of energy today. Inhale, lots of love in. And exhale, lots of love out. Inhale to lift the heart, the head, chest back up. Walk the knees underneath the hip points. Good, ground down here. On an exhale, draw your navel up so you have that strong connection to your core. On your next breath, kick the right leg out. Inhale. Exhale, strong connection to the core. Next breath, left fingertips reach out. And exhale, we're gonna reach behind. Left hand reaches out to grab the right toes. We press into the earth as we work to kick the right toes back. If this is not working for you, you're gonna pulse just the right leg. Pulsing, pulsing, pulsing here. So we're here pulsing with both hands on the ground, or we're working in a little bow. Breathing deep. Lots of awareness in the neck and shoulders. Draw those shoulders away from the ears. And then slowly release wherever you are. Let's all come back to all fours. Second side. Inhale, extend the left leg out. Dial the left toes down. Find your core connection on that exhale. Inhale, reach the right fingertips forward. Exhale, bend the left knee. Bend the right elbow. Reach behind. Grab the top of the foot. Kick out. If we're not doing the bind today, both hands are on the ground and we're pulsing here. Pulsing, pulsing, pulsing. Breathing deep, everyone trying to breed. Breathe, breed, whoa. Freudian slip. Just kidding, breathe wide, so nice lateral breath. Feel the rib cage expand. Front body, side body, back body. (laughs) Then slowly release. Nice and steady. Gorgeous. Walk the hands out in front. Curl the toes under, send the hips up and back, Downward Facing Dog. Inhale, lots of love in here. And exhale lots of love out. Again, lots of love in, big breath. Lots of love out. It's okay if that love for yourself isn't already all there. We're here to cultivate that. We're here to uncover it, to nurture it. So you're doing great. Inhale, lift the right leg high. Exhale, step it all the way up. Lower the back knee. Again, inhale, right fingertips up towards the sky. Option, right hand comes behind and to the small of the back, or it comes behind, we bend the left knee and we reach for the top of the left foot. So we're here, or we're here. And we're all opening up through the chest here. Breathing deep, obviously big opening in the left side, quad, left hip crease, core connection is here. Opening up through the chest, lifting. And then slowly releasing whether you have the hand on the low back or on the foot, let's bring it all the way back. We're gonna slowly drag the right foot back to all fours, curl the toes under, send the hips up high and back. Now I cannot believe it's taken me this long to share this with you on this journey. But we pick the love day because this is one of my most favorite breath techniques. The one I love the most, it's called horsey lips. It's very intelligent astute technique. You inhale in through the nose. When you exhale out through the lips like so. (horse snorting) Give it a try, inhale. And exhale. (horse snorting) Good inhale, lift the left leg up high. Slowly, exhale, bring it all the way up. Lower the right knee down. Inhale, reach left fingertips up. So left knee squeezes in and we have options here. We can bring the left hand to the low back, or we can bend that right knee. Reach behind. Grab the top of the left toes and play here. Everyone, lift your chest. Breathe wide. Inhale, lots of love in. And exhale lots of love out. Take one more cycle of breath here. Think about spiraling your heart up towards the sky. Or imagine that honey on the rib cage that we had before spiraling your chest up, up, up. Then slow and with control, slowly bring it back to your lunge. We're gonna plant both palms, both knees come back, all fours here. Now from here, walk the knees together, really together. Then shift your weight forward to this half push-up that we've been in before. Inhale to look forward. Exhale, slowly lower down all the way to the belly. Lower the tops of the feet to the ground, fingertips and palms drag back just a bit in line with the rib cage as you squeeze the elbows in, just refining a little, and inhale, Cobra. Exhale, soften and release. Beautiful. Slowly, press back up to all fours. Curl the toes under and Downward Facing Dog. Let's do it again. Big inhale in through the nose. And release little horsey lips out through the mouth. (horse snorting) Inhale in. Horsey lips on our love day. (horse snorting) One more time. (horse snorting) Good, slowly lower to the knees. Swing the legs to one side. Then bring the soles of the feet together. You can sit up on your blanket here if you like, Cobbler's Pose. So every day is love day. It's just so great to remember to have fun and that while it is challenging to show up for yourself, and courageous to love yourself for who you really are, it's not a chore. We don't have to see it as a chore. That's why I call this a journey and not a challenge. Doesn't mean it's not challenging. Grab the ankles or the toes, your choice. You can sneak in a little foot massage as I am doing here. Sit up nice and tall, deep breath in. Exhale, begin to lean forward. Maybe elbows bend left to right. So actively draw the tops of the thighs down. Try not round through the spine here, but keep a nice beautiful line of integrity from the crown through the neck all the way down the torso to the tail. And then here you are, back at that pond looking down, your reflection. Delighted by your own beauty. Take a deep breath in here. And then exhale, draw the chin to the chest and roll it up. Recognizing your beauty, investing in a relationship of loving yourself truly and deeply and sincerely so that you can love others in that way and see others for who they truly are. Let's bring the hands to the outer edges of the legs. Let's bring the knees together. Now send the legs out in front. You can stay on top of your blanket. Benji reveal. Ta-da. Paschimottanasana. We're gonna flex the feet. Heels are gonna be in line with the hip points. So a little bit of space. Inhale, reach for the sky, sit up nice and tall. Dandasana, we have this long, beautiful line of integrity from crown to tail. And then bend your knees if you need to. We're gonna slowly shift forward. Heart stays open towards the front as long as possible. Maybe we reached the shins, the ankles, the toes, the outer edges of the feet. Take a deep breath in here. Find a little more extension, just play and then exhale, round it through. And you can bend the knees again as generously as you like here. Now, close your eyes. As you breathe in, feel the skin of the back stretch. And as you breathe out, feel it soften. Relax the weight of the head. An intimate moment with the sound of your breath. Listen. And then begin to slowly roll it up, nice and slow. Move like you love yourself. Breathe like you love yourself. We say it all the time in this beautiful community. We're gonna just, nice and easy, take a little counter twist to the left, nice and easy. And to the right. Hola Benji. And then we're gonna come our backs. If you have a blanket, you might unravel it and wrap up like a burrito today. Or you can bring it underneath your head or the legs, of course. In an act of self love, I'm gonna go burrito style. Tucking myself in, using this time in my practice to learn how to love myself, right? It's like, sometimes you feel like you need something. You're like, "Oh babe, do this for me." Or, "Why isn't this happening?" Or, "They didn't think of me," or when sometimes we can, the nurturing we seek is actually within, the attention and the love we seek is actually within. Close your eyes. Inhale, lots of love in. Exhale, lots of love out. Feel the earth rising up to meet your back body and know that your practice has your back. And so do I. Thank you for showing up here today. Look forward to seeing you again tomorrow. Until then, move like you love yourself. Breathe like you love yourself. Keep an open mind, stay open to the idea that you are love. Alright, slowly bring the palms together. Palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss. You might even open your eyes and look at your beautiful hands today. Let's do it. Look at the backs of the hands. Look at the palms. And kiss them back together. Thumbs to third eye. Inhale lots of love in. Thanks for hanging with me. Exhale lots of love out. Namaste. (bright upbeat piano music)