- Hello, everyone. Welcome to BREATH, your 30 day yoga journey. It's Day 24, Rejuvenate. Let's get started. (bright upbeat piano music) Alright, let's begin in a nice, comfortable seat of your choice. Sit up on a little something if you like. Bring the hands to the belly. And we're gonna jump right in as we are kicking off our final week of BREATH, a 30 day yoga journey. Benji's on watch here. Start to lift up through the heart, the chest kind of lifting towards the chin. Chin gently lifting to the sky. Shoulder blades melting down. Tag a little weight in the elbows. So to rejuvenate. The practice won't always leave you feeling rejuvenated. Right? But I love this idea of coming into close contact with what it feels like and kind of understanding and knowing what it feels like and what it means to bring new energy to something or bring something, excuse me, bring energy to something at all. So often we're kind of energizing things that are not serving us. (laughs) Whether it's through our thoughts, actions, our daily rituals, our habits, of course. So just a little food for thought here as we move through the practice today. We're gonna begin with breath of fire, Kapalabhati, to stir the pot. Energetically give you a little juice for today's flow. Inhale in through the nose. Exhale out through the nose. Inhale in through the nose. Exhale out through the nose. Place one hand on top of the other so you have a nice little marker for where you're moving. You can even bring fists here. And just a reminder, on the exhale where we are, excuse me, drawing the navel in sharply. Inhale is passive, exhale is sharp. Sit up nice and tall. We'll try to lose this cool move and really isolate it to the belly. And this is a practice so just do your best. If you fall off the tracks just come back whenever you're ready. Alright, here we go. Breath of fire, Kapalabhati breath. Just inhale and exhale. Evenly for nothing and then we'll begin. Ready? Inhale in through the nose. And exhale out completely. And we begin. Keep it going. Soften your gaze. Close your eyes. Find your rhythm. If you fall out of the rhythm, you'll come right back to it. Keep the shoulders relaxed, skin of the face relaxed. Then inhale in through the nose. Hands rest on the knees or thighs as you slowly exhale out through the nose. Pause, remain still. Just take one second here to notice how you feel. And then bat the eyelashes open. Sway your head, your neck, your shoulders a little one way and then the other. Alright, we have a week more together, and then hopefully many more as this journey is designed to inspire you to keep showing up for regular home practice. We're swaying. Benji's up and so are we. Let's join him. We're gonna use that swaying motion to come forward onto all fours. You can push your pillow or blanket or block or towel aside and we're gonna find Tabletop Position here, but we're gonna sway the hips a little left to right. Knees underneath the hip points. Wrists underneath the shoulders. From here we're gonna take this swaying motion, and we're gonna start to move the rib cage in a circle. So we've been doing Cat-Cow. You're gonna think about dropping the rib cage and then lifting it up. Dropping the rib cage and lifting it up. And see what that does to the lumbar. Feel that sensation as you move the lower back, the lower spine. And then pay attention to any sensation in the mid back as well. Alright, reverse the direction you're moving in. Gettin' funky in the final week. Moving at a nice pace with your breath here. Alright, then bring the big toes to touch. Walk the knees as wide as your mat. Keep the left hand where it is. Press into the tops of the feet and slowly inhale, reach the right fingertips all the way up towards the sky. Big twist here, inhale in. Exhale, thread the needle. Right fingertips come in and underneath the bridge of the left arm. You come to rest on. I'm eating my braid hair. Sorry, my ponytail. Come to rest on your right ear, right shoulder, excuse me. Left fingertips are gonna reach all the way towards the front of the mat. And then we're gonna pull the right hip crease towards the right side of your mat. Breathe deep here. And then slowly press yourself back up. Right hand comes to the earth. Inhale, left fingertips up towards the sky. Big breath, big stretch. Exhale, thread the needle. Right fingertips reach forward. Should feel this nice, beautiful stretch and opening in the left upper back body. That scap area, we're twisting. We're breathing. We're pulling the left waistline, the left hip crease towards the left here. Should feel nice love in the left low back. Good, and then slow and steady as you're ready, make your way back up. Spread the fingertips. Walk the knees back underneath the hips. Curl the toes under. Hips up high and back, Downward Facing Dog. Pedal it out here for a couple of breaths. Keep pressing into the knuckles and the fingerprints. So there's hardly any pressure in the wrists here. Benji. Alright. Now find stillness. Turn your toes inward so you feel that inner rotation of the shin, the knee, the thighbone. The hip. Good, then you're gonna bend just your right knee, just your right knee, and slowly turn to look under your left armpit chest. Good. Then drop the right heel. Bend just the left knee, and move slowly, turn to look underneath your right armpit chest. Good, then slowly come back to center. Bend both knees, inhale, look forward. And exhale to make your way to the top. Uttanasana, Standing Forward Fold at the top of your mat, feet hip width apart or flush together. You know what to do here, breathe. Good. Spread awareness through all four corners of the feet. Bend your knees. And then there's an option here today to walk the hands underneath the feet. Now, I'll walk you through it. So you're gonna take your hands, toes meet at the wrist line, and you can do one at a time or both at the same time. If you feel pretty stable here, or you've been here before, make sure to relax the weight of your head over, and you can wiggle your toes here to massage the wrists, base of the palm. Maybe shifting a little forward and back. Getting intimate with the sound of your breath here. Bringing a new energy to the practice to your commitment for this final week. Okay, release the hands nice and slow and start to roll it up to standing. Take a second to check in with the head, the neck, the shoulders. Maybe looping the shoulders one way and then the other. Then step your feet a little bit wider than hip width apart. Hands come to the waistline, and we're gonna move the hips in a circular motion one way and then the other. So think about what it means to rejuvenate, like bring new energy. Can you kind of get out of your head? ♪ And into my car ♪ Just Kidding. Get out of your head and kind of into your body in a new way for this final week. Can we just be open to that? Take it the other way. And then one more time switching the directions like you're hula-hooping here. Alright, then without looking down, you know the ground is there. Again, see feelingly as you bring the feet together really together and inhale, reach for the sky. Good, exhale, Forward Fold all the way down. Inhale, halfway lift with airplane arms. Now, pause here. Keep breathing. So the front body is hugging up to meet the back body so that the low back is nice and long here. I just caught myself locking out my knees. So soft bend in the knees, airplane arms. Imagine you're pressing the palms face down into a hard surface. It's imaginary obviously, but pressing here. So there's energy. And then lengthen a little more through the neck if you can as you draw the shoulder blades together. It's a lot. Good, inhale in here again. And exhale to let it all go. Shake the head loose. Wiggle the fingertips. Fingertips come to the earth. We're gonna slide the left toes back. Slide the left toes back. And a nice and easy, left hand comes to the ground. Right fingertips up to the sky as you breathe in. Exhale, right hand down, right foot back, Plank Pose. Big breath in here. Exhale, Downward Facing Dog. Beautiful. Inhale in again. Exhale, you're just gonna slide the left foot up nice and easy. Right hand to the earth. Inhale, left fingertips up high. Big breath, big twist here. And exhale nice and easy. Left hand comes down, stepping the left foot back. We're warming up here nice and slow. I'm gonna invite you to rock front and then back in the toes. Front and back, front and back, front, and then the next time you go back, send the hips up high and back, Downward Facing Dog. Beautiful. Drop the left heel, inhale, lift the right leg up high. Bend the right knee. Stack the hips here. So you're gonna bring the right hip over the left here. I'm gonna try to press into both palms evenly and drop my right shoulder. Great, inhale in here. Exhale, step your right foot all the way up and through again. Pivot on the back foot. Inhale, fingertips reach up, Warrior I. Front knee stays bent. As you exhale, open up to the left, Warrior II. Pull the pinkies back. Front knee stays bent, strong legs. Right fingertips all the way up and over. Peaceful Warrior, inhale in. And exhale, cartwheel all the way back. Allow the hands to frame the foot. Come up on the fingertips. Then we're gonna step that back foot in halfway for a little Pyramid or modified Pyramid. So you can keep the heel lifted if the legs are feeling really tight, or we can drop that back heel and start to work for that Pyramid Pose. So it just depends on how long your muscles are today. Breathe deep, everyone. Pull the right hip crease back. Alright, option to bring the palms together here at the heart. Inhale, halfway lift. And then exhale, fingertips, hands back to the mat. We'll kick the left foot back, come back to our lunge. Beautiful. Plant the palms here. Step the right toes back and sending it all the way to the belly with control. Good. Inhale, Cobra. Breathe in, press into the tops of the feet. Exhale, slowly release. Inhale, back up to Plank. Quietly whisper to yourself, "I am strong." I am strong. And then send the hips up high and back. If you missed the whisper that time, you'll have another chance. Anchor the right heel. Inhale, Three-Legged Dog. We lift the left leg up high. So feel here, this even distribution of weight between both palms. Shoulders are in the same plane. And then we'll bend the left knee, stack the hips, try to maintain that connection though, even distribution of weight in the hands, shoulders in the same plane. Breathe. And then slowly, guiding that left knee all the way up and through, stepping it lightly all the way up. Reminder, you can always use your left hand to guide that foot all the way up. And when you're ready, pivot on the back foot. Strong legs. Sweep the fingertips forward, up and back, Warrior I. Press into the outer edge of your right foot. And exhale, here we go, Warrior II, open it up wide. Front knee stays bent. Inhale, left fingertips reach forward, up and back, way back. And then exhale, cartwheel it all the way down. Frame the left foot with your fingertips. Step the back foot up halfway for Pyramid or modified Pyramid with the heel up. So there's a tiny micro bend in that front knee, and we're all actively pulling the left hip crease back. We're not letting the rib cage splay down and forward but hugging it in, finding that containment, finding our center. Beautiful. Breathe here. Option to inhale, halfway lift palms together at the heart. Long, beautiful neck. Lots of core connection. And then exhale, release. Everyone, kick that right foot all the way back into your lunge. Plant the palms. Step the left toes back. Okay, listen carefully. From here, we're gonna turn onto the outer edge of the right foot, inner arch of the left foot. Peek at me if you need to. Now press away from your yoga mat with the right hand. Take your left hand to your right rib cage. You got this. Then with your left hand, imagine you're smearing honey on your rib cage as you open left fingertips all the way up towards the sky. You can stack the feet here. If this is much too much, bend your top knee, left foot comes to the ground for a nice kickstand. Everyone lift your hips, lengthen through the crown of the head. Neck is nice and long. You got this. Smile if you can. Lift the corners of the mouth. You're awesome. Make adjustments if you need to. And then slowly release. Beautiful, we're taking it right to the other side. Outer edge of the left foot, inner arch of the right foot, press away from your yoga mat with your left hand. Right hand comes to the left rib cage, and we smear that honey all the way across. Right fingertips up towards the sky. We might stack the feet here, or we might bend the right knee. Bring the right foot to the ground for a nice kickstand. Everyone lift your hips. Turn on those obliques. You got this. Maybe looking up past your right fingertips. Breathing. And then slow and with control bring it all the way back down. Inhale to look forward, shift forward. Exhale, lower to the belly. Inhale for Cobra, your version. And exhale to soften and release. Listen up, we got this. Curl the toes under, inhale. Exhale, press up, power up, Plank. Quietly, whisper to yourself here, "I am strong." I am strong. Affirm. And then send the hips up high and back. Inhale in deeply. And exhale completely. Listen carefully. Walk the feet to the middle of your mat, hip width apart, and slowly inhale, halfway lift. Slowly Forward Fold. Hands come to the waistline. And nice and slow here, root to rise, ground through the feet, lift from your heart, come all the way to standing. Pull the elbows back. Start to open up through the pecs, the chest. Boom, superhero pose. Mhmm, mhmm. Alright, from here, lift your center. Think up and over as you shift to that right foot. We're not collapsing here. We know this. Alright, all the way up and over. Hands are on the waist. I'm gonna take my left toes out. Again, not collapsing in that right foot but feeling the muscles of this right leg turn on. The glute's nice and strong. Holding onto that midline connection here. I'm gonna send my right fingertips up on a diagonal, and left fingertips out as if I was in Warrior II. Inhale in here, expand. Exhale, nice and slow, I'm gonna work to bring my right elbow to my left knee, rounding through the spine as if I were in Cat Pose. Good, inhale to expand and extend. Exhale, bring it in. And left arm is nice and steady here. Inhale to expand. Exhale, contract. Now, to challenge yourself, you can keep the left toes lifted as you expand. Inhale and exhale. Or left toes on the ground to hold steady. Three more with your breath. Really contracting, feeling that low belly as you come in. Last one. And release. Mountain Pose. Take a deep breath in. Squeeze the shoulders up to the ears. And exhale, drop it with an exhale out through the mouth. Good, again like that. Squeeze and lift. And exhale, sigh it out. Good. Shifting over to the left foot. Hand start on the waistline. Right toes point out. Lift through the front body, grounding through the back body. So I'm not here. I'm working with opposition. I'm marrying this strength with the grace, right? The effort and the ease weaving together. (chuckles) Left fingertips all the way up on a diagonal. Right fingertips out to hold you steady. Inhale, expand, blossom. Exhale, here we go. Left elbow to right knee, squeeze. Inhale to expand. Strong standing leg. Exhale to contract. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. And exhale. Just taking stock. You got this. Inhale. Exhale, you might start to keep that right foot lifted, and you might not. No worries. Pressing into all four corners of the right foot. Don't forget about the back two corners of the heel. Three more. We got this. And slowly release. Mountain Pose. This time, inhale, send the fingertips out left to right, then all the way up towards the sky. And exhale, hands back down to the heart. Good, again, inhale. Send it out, reach it up, gather it, and bring it back in. Then again, send it down and out. Gather it and bring it back in. Walk the feet together. No need to look down. You know that earth is there. Your awareness is so awesome now. You're like, got it. There's magic, right? Fingertips go down to come up. Inhale, gather it, bring it back in. Send the fingertips out wide. Catch a falling star, put it in your pocket. Save it for a rainy day. Palms together at the heart. (chuckles) And take a second to notice. What does this moment feel like, the present? What is your relationship or your regard to your own very beautiful, if I might slip in that word, your own very beautiful presence? I feel like people who are aware of their presence are so precious, right? So I hope that this practice is rejuvenating for you, bringing a new energy to your awareness, maybe even your interests of your own precious presence. Alright, I look forward to seeing you tomorrow. Bring the thumbs right up to the forehead. Take a deep breath in. And a long breath out. Drop the thumbs right to the lips. Take a deep breath in. Long sweet breath out. And one last breath cycle as you draw the hands to the heart. Inhale, lots of love in. Relax your shoulders as you bow the head and breathe lots of love out. Thank you. Namaste. (bright upbeat piano music)