- Hello, everyone. Welcome to BREATH, your 30 day yoga journey. It's Day 20. Pause. Let's get started. (bright upbeat piano music) Okie doke, come on down to the ground. Let's sit up on something if you have it. If you don't, no worries, but again it is nice to lift the hips so that the thigh bone and the knees can drop down in space. So if your knees are up here, completely normal, we will drop them with more regular practice. But if your knees are up here, I do encourage sitting up on something. Sit up nice and tall. Pause a moment out of the day to pause and check in. I know you've been doing a lot of great physical work, so we're gonna take a little bit of a breather, wink wink, today, and kind of stay off the wrists and the hands, for the most part, work on breath. But like to start with a little self massage of the hands and the wrists and the forearms and even the shoulders. So take your thumb. We've done this before. Interlace the fingertips, take your right thumb to the base of your left palm, just to give you a starting point, and massage your hand there, and then switch to the opposite hand and then just keep exploring, right? Don't decide where it ends. And you can start to just bring your focus inward. No need to look at me unless you want to. Or you can look at Benji, see he brought a stick to practice today. I tell ya. And after you're taking a peek at that, do drop your head, and just kind of go inward. And I guess what I'm trying to coerce or lovingly invite you to do is, we'll see this little self massage in the beginning of this practice as a really sweet moment with yourself, you know? Kind of pausing the busy exterior, all the lovely things and difficult things that are going on outside the four corners of the mat. And for this pretty swift practice today, just really relishing in the pause, the moment in between, what is happening, you know, before you get on the mat and what is going to happen after you step off the mat, really relishing in this magical moment in between. Fingertips can crawl on up to the neck, the shoulders, traps. Maybe even the muscles of the chest. And then when you're ready, you take your hands. You're gonna separate at the index finger and middle finger here if you can. And we're going to bring it just underneath the ears. And you're just going to massage a little up and down here, relaxing the jaw. If you really want that good lymphatic drain, you can trace the fingertips down. Oh yeah. And then we'll release that, finish up, and then we'll release that. And then we're going to uncross the legs, bring the soles of the feet together. Bring the hands to the ankles. If you want to sneak in a little foot massage here, you know what? Let's just do it. Let's get a little foot massage in here. A little goes a long way. Maybe ankle. And then eventually we will grab the ankles, loop the shoulders forward, up and back, find that lift in the front body and then actively anchor down through the tops of the thighs. So let your legs get really heavy here as you come into Cobbler's Pose. Lift and lengthen from the tip top of the head and energetically, right, we are always kind of considering the energetic body as we move in and out of these gestures, these shapes with our breath to find more support. Lift up from the pelvic floor. Think about your awareness or your energy lifting you all the way up through this center plumb line. So we have the alignment, we have the action, kind of the, the musculature, but we also have the awareness of energy that can support us and hold us up. Period. (chuckles) Okay, that's the end of that sentence. Alright. Take a deep breath in. Exhale, lean forward, shift forward. Feel these thigh bones snuggle up into socket. As you look forward, take a little gander down into your imaginary pond here. See your reflection. Whisper, "Darn, I'm beautiful." And then walk your hands to your toes, send the elbows left to right, and then use this bind to maybe, maybe, be careful now. Lean a little bit more forward, get a little closer, get a better look at yourself and your beauty, that beauty that is just so unique to you and only you. It's just incredible. It's gorgeous. And then slowly lift back up. Hands come behind us. Walk the feet hip width apart on the ground. Shift the legs to one side, any side. Keep the feet wide as you come back to center and shift to the opposite side, windshield wiper the legs a little back and forth. I like this move because you get a little bit of a glute massage. Might feel good after yesterday's practice. And then we'll come into Sukhasana, back to that cross-legged seat. So you can take variations of half Lotus or Lotus if you like, if you know what you're doing. But often I find that when I'm really wanting to work with Pranayama it's best to just have a nice wide base for me. So careful, if you're really bound up tight, might just experiment with a little more space. Lift up through the front body, breathe in. Ground through the back body. Breathe out. Lift up through the heart, the armpit chest, feeling that length in the side body. Good, so today we're gonna introduce retention, or that pause, that moment between the breaths. We call this Kumbhaka in the hatha yoga tradition. And I think this is really fun. And if you are already experienced in playing with breath retention, just use this time to kind of come into it with that beginner's mind kind of really slow everything down and just mindfully experience it maybe as if it were for the first time. So first let's just slow down the breath and make it a little bit longer here together. We're going to inhale for five and exhale for five. I'll count us out. So one cycle of breath, just to begin, inhale in through the nose. and out through the nose. And inhale to start on one, two, three, four, five. Exhale for five, four, three, two, one. Now inhale for one, two, three, four, five. And exhale for five, four, three, two, one. One more like this. Inhale for one, two, three, four, five. Exhale for five, four, three, two, one. Notice how you feel. Relax the shoulders. Soften through the skin of the face. Notice how you feel. Alright, so now we're going to add the pause. Kumbhaka, the retention. And this is going to be in between the inhalation and exhalation and in between the exhalation and the inhale. So if you think of it as a circular motion we're pausing and holding for a moment at the top and at the bottom of this circular breath. Let's play. So we're gonna stick with the five seconds or the five count, rather. Here we go. Just inhale, exhale for nothing. Inhale in and exhale and inhale to begin. One, two, three, four, five. Pause, retaining the breath. Exhale for five, four, three, two, one. Beautiful pause. Retain the breath. Full inhale for one, two, three, four, five, pause. Exhale for five, four, three, two, one, pause. Inhale for one, two, three, four, five, pause. Relax the shoulders. Exhale for five, four, three, two, one. Kumbhaka, hold the breath. Retain, shoulders relaxed. Inhale for one, two, three, four, five, pause. Soft fingers here. Hands are grounded or palms face up. Exhale for five, four, three, two, one, hold. Inhale for one, two, three, four, five, pause. Head over heart, heart over pelvis. Slow exhale, five, four, three, two, one. Pause. Capture the magic. Inhale for one, two, three, four, five. Kumbhaka. Exhale for five, four, three, two, one. One last slow round. Inhale for one, two, three, four, five, pause. Exhale for five, four, three, two, one, pause. And inhaling nice and easy, letting your breath return to a nice easy rhythm and easy flow. Let's turn the palms face up or down based on how you feel. So start to listen to your body. Do you need grounding? Do we need to surrender or lift of the heart here? Grounding of the shoulders. Good, and then dropping the chin to the chest. Bat the eyelashes open. And then gently lift the head over the heart. And sit up tall. How did it go? I want to know. ♪ I want to know if he really loves me. ♪ (humming) Alright. So we're gonna come forward on all fours nice and slow. And tap into that ocean breath. One Downward Dog, curl the toes, send the hips up high, head below the heart. Nice and slow. Feel it as if you're coming into the shape for the first time. Hug the low ribs in for a little support and just go through your checklist, your sensation. Notice what it feels like to be alive today. Notice if this Downward Dog feels any different. After doing that breath practice, that pranayama. Lift the hip points up high, high, high. Breathe in. And exhale to lower the knees. Breathe out. Send the legs to one side. I'm gonna give you the option. You can come to lie flat on your back here or come right back to your seat. Your choice. And then when you're ready, bring the palms together at the heart. What a gift it is to take a moment for yourself, to have the tools which we do here together in which we can explore the practice of really pausing before we react to things and taking a moment to assess and notice and then move or react, respond, rather, with intention. Benji, come here, come here, buddy. You want to close this practice with us? Come here, mi amore, come here. Come with us. So, yeah, so there's a lot of ways we can interpret these themes on purpose, especially with this particular 30 day series. And I love this one because it will start to bleed into your day moments of pause, and it could be, yeah, before you react to something. It could be just to notice how blue and beautiful the sky is or how sweet someone looks folding their laundry or hanging their laundry on their patio. Could be, you know, witnessing the journey of a bug on the ground. Just kind of pausing to be present, right, in, in whatever's right in front of us. Instead of constantly seeking and constantly reacting. There's a lot there. I could go on and on, but you don't need me to. You have it all within. And I hope you enjoy exploring moments of pause off the mat. I'll see you tomorrow. We can now play with this breath retention together. 'Til then, let's lift the sternum to the thumbs or the thumbs to the third eye. Take one final breath in. Breathe in. Pause, hold it. And exhale to bow the head. And whisper, Namaste. (bright upbeat piano music)