- Hi, everyone! Welcome back to BREATH, your 30 day yoga journey. It's Day 19, baby. (mimics kissing) Strength. Let's get started. (bright upbeat piano music) Alright, come on down to the ground. Find a nice, comfortable seat. Just gonna take a second to tune in to the sound of the breath. Benji, want to join me for this part? Want to come join us, tune in? Nope, okay, okay. Oh, there we go. Alright, so we're just going to come into a comfortable seat, and close your eyes wherever you are. And we'll bring our awareness inward toward the breath because I want to make sure we begin today's session coming together on this idea that we get strength from having a relationship, a conscious relationship rather, with our breath. So I may joke around talking about building muscle, and it's okay to want to build that muscle tone and get strong. But for me, there's this incredible almost poetic strength that comes from building a loving relationship with your breath. So just take a second here. If you want to put your hands on your heart, or on a pet (chuckles) or even hold hands with a loved one just take three more breaths here, just in quiet. And then when you're ready, we're gonna come forward on to all fours. Take your breath with you. Nice, conscious breath. I was going to make a loud joke about cuing Jock Jams, but let's just come to all fours and keep breathing instead. Okay, spread the fingertips. Knees underneath the hips, wrists underneath the shoulders. Inhale, drop the belly. Look forward. Exhale, navel lifts you up from center, right? Chin to chest, Cat Pose. Inhale to drop the belly. Follow the breath. Exhale, Cat Pose. Three more times with the sound of your breath. Nice, and then turning the fingertips in, either one hand at a time or both hands at the same time. Hey bud, do you want to move, just so I can demo this properly? Thank you. Then small gentle circles one way and then the other. And then we'll walk the hands out. Curl the toes under, take a deep breath in. Exhale, hips up high and back, Downward Facing Dog. Benji goes down too, alright. All is right in the world. Stretching here, going inward, claw through the fingertips. Feel it out. Mm, okie doke. Now lower the knees. Walk them together and back, and shift your heart forward, so the shoulders are over the hips. Hands are nice and wide, shoulders over the hips. Sorry, shoulders are over the wrists. Hands are nice and wide. And we're nice and engage in the center here and in the glutes. You can cross the ankles here, if you like, otherwise just squeezing the feet together. Inhale, look forward. Exhale, you're going to keep the elbows hugging into the side body, lower down halfway or as low as you can, and then press back up. Breathe out, good. Breathe in lower down halfway. And exhale, lift up. So if it's not halfway for you, you just go down as far as you can without losing control and then use your exhale to press back up. Find a little rhythm here, inhaling to lower, exhaling to lift. It doesn't have to be a big move. See if you can draw the navel in and up. Find your center. Moving in your own time, taking breaks, if you need to. Inhaling to lower, exhaling to lift. Keep the neck nice and long. Good, do one more wherever you are. You got this. If you took a break, come on back into the game. Let's do it together. Lowering as we breathe in, exhaling, as we lift up, awesome. Release your mermaid tail to the ground, (laughs) and come all the way to the belly. Nice, from here forehead's going to come to the earth. You can center yourself on the mat. Then we're gonna interlace the fingertips behind the back, squeeze the feet together. Knuckles draw towards the heels. So you'll feel this lift up through the front of the shoulder, the chest. Keep this low, don't overdo it, inhale in. Exhale, just lift the head and the chest. Keep your gaze down. Breathing here. Squeezing the legs. Drawing the shoulders away from the ears. Tuck your chin so you feel that length in the back of the neck. You're here for three, breathe deep, two, on the one, with control slowly release. Press back up to all fours. I'm not that mean, so take a nice Extended Child's Pose here. Send the hips back, walk the fingertips forward. A little counter love for those half push-ups. You're gonna bring the palms together, and then all the way up and back. As you walk the elbows, inch them forward. Should feel a nice stretch in the arms, particularly the triceps here. Draw the deltoids, draw the tops of the shoulders down. Feel nice stretch in the shoulder girdle, and you have a little shark fin. Namaste shark fin up and over your head here, breathe. Listen. You find the strength to stay curious to keep coming back for self-inquiry through the relationship with our breath. You find that ocean sound and here's a great place to remember, and a reminder that that sound is for you. It's not for anyone else. It's for you and maybe a higher power if you wish, right? It's between you and your angels. How about that? Okay, release the arms. Come on up. Now cue Jock Jams. (imitates techno music) (laughing) into Downward Dog. Hips up high and back. Inhale in here. Exhale. Alright, walk it all the way up, baby steps to the top of the mat, Forward Fold. So you know your body best. I'm gonna invite you to bring the feet hip width apart. Sorry, feet together. Excuse me, but if you need to go hip width apart, you are the boss. Bend the knees, drop the hips down low. Drape the front body over the lower body here. Nice loving stretch to the low back. Then when you're ready, ground your all four corners of the feet and let's roll it up to Mountain, nice and slow. When you get there, stand up tall. Find your center, lift the heart. And then we'll reach behind, interlace the fingertips again, draw the knuckles down and away, open up through the chest. Inhale in here. Exhale, you're gonna lift the right knee again as if it were on a marionette string. We've practiced this before, and if you're not necessarily balancing on one leg here, it's okay to take a break, come back and give it a try. So this can be a process is what I'm trying to say. It doesn't have to be like, boom, hit your mark. (chuckles) So you just kind of want to start to integrate these muscles that help us balance on one leg. Find your breath. So we're not just kind of holding on for a wing and a prayer, we're really building the strength from the inside out. Cool, lower the right leg down. Inhale, lift your heart again. Exhale, Forward Fold, diving down fingertips stay interlaced, but you can square off the wrists here. So open up a little bit. Peek at me, if you need to. Good, then feet together, really together. We're gonna bend the knees, send the hips back, fingertips go back, release the bind then they go down, and then forward as if you're holding your big beach ball, Utkatasana, Chair Pose. Drop your center, get down low. Lift the toes, press in all four corners of the feet. Low back is long here. Sink a little lower, inhale in. Exhale, send the fingertips back, airplane arms. Good, inhale, send them forward. You got this. Exhale, send them back, airplane arms. Stay low, inhale, reach forward. Last one, exhale, airplane arms. Then fingertips go down to come up. We rise up, straighten through the legs. Reach for the sky, and exhale fingertips resting gently down at your side. Second side, interlace the fingertips behind. This time the thumb that feels a little bit funky, put that one on top, so the bind that feels a little more interesting. Knuckles draw down and away, we open up through the pecs, the chest. Oh take in this moment, breathe. Just coming out of our shells here, where we spend so many hours on the phone or scrolling or working on the computer, or even journaling our feelings, because wow what a time we are living in. So open up through your heart. Lift up from the pelvic floor. Find your center, inhale in. Exhale, use this grounding down of the knuckles and all four corners of the right foot to lift that left knee up, standing one-legged Tadasana. Again, it can be a process. We're working, we're here for practice, not perfection. Said the perfectionist, so it's all good, we're human. We're working here, building strength. Beautiful, inhale in. Exhale, left leg to the ground. Keep the bind. We're gonna slowly dive forward into the fold. Keep the bind square at the wrist. Nice for the forearms here. The shoulder, of course. Now here we go, bend your knees generously. Try to keep the shins perpendicular to the earth, I know it's difficult. Send the hips back. Ground through all four corners. Here we go, knuckles go back and down. We release the bind, and forward. Benji exits the frame, and Utkatasana, here we go. Energy in the fingertips. Sit down low. This is the only round of this so let's find our appropriate edge. Inhale in. Exhale, send the fingertips back drop your center, airplane arms. Neck is nice and long, low back is as well. Inhale, reach forward. Sit back low. Use this reaching forward to counterweight. Send the hips back. Good, and then fingertips back for airplane arms. Inhale, reach forward. Exhale, send it back. Beautiful fingertips, go down to come up. Inhale, reach for the sky. Exhale, this time palms come together and slide back to your heart space. Inhale in here. Try to control the breath. Exhale, thumbs to the chest, lift your chest to the thumb. See if you can feel your heartbeat. Beautiful. Now turn to the side. We're gonna keep the palms together at the heart. We're gonna walk the feet just a little bit wider than hip width apart. Toes pointing out, heels in of course. Inhale, lift your sternum to your thumbs. Exhale, draw the shoulder blades together, and feel them kind of grounding down melting down the back body. So again, we have this loop. We have this lift in this ground, and in this Goddess Pose that we're headed into, you can think of of those two opposing energies working together, finding yourself in between the two. Finding that effort and marrying it with the ease, building strength with grace. Todo, all of it, okay, here we go, inhale. Exhale, drop that center down. So this doesn't happen at the knees. This happens because we send our center down. So the knees bend so that we can do that appropriately. And we're pressing into the outer edges of the feet compared to this wide legged stance we've done before. This should feel really manageable, but if not use your tools. Inhale in, exhale sink a little bit lower. And then slowly, we're going to open the arms, cactus arms. Try to get the elbow in line with the shoulders so you can peek, if you need to. Elbow in line with the shoulder. Palms are open, fingertips are spread. Inhale in. Exhale, bring the palms and the elbows in towards center to touch. Good, inhale, open. Exhale, close. Head over heart, heart over pelvis. Inhale, open. Exhale, close. Stay down low. Inhale, open. Exhale, close, drop your center. Inhale, open, and exhale close. Beautiful, interlace the fingertips here. Stay down low. Keep the fingertips interlaced as you press the palms forward. Maybe you sink down even lower and then straighten the legs as you send the palms all the way up. Back down, hands in line with the heart, bend the knees, drop it and lift. Straighten the legs. Drop, inhale, lift. Exhale, drop. Inhale, lift. Changing to Steeple Grip here. Drop it, keep the fingertips interlaced. But now index fingers pointing forward. Inhale, lift. You got this. Exhale, drop. Inhale, lift, you got it. Exhale, drop. Last one, inhale, lift. Exhale, drop. Now from here, hands come to the waistline. Lift your right heel, you got it. Drop it down, lift your left heel. You got this. Drop both heels, here we go. All the way up. Hands can stay on the waistline or they can come together in prayer or all the way up to the sky, spread your fingertips, imagine you're holding a big beach ball, up and overhead, lift the heels. We're here for, whoa. Three, two, one. Drop the heels, reach for the sky. Everyone straighten the legs. Star Pose, send it nice and wide, so you're gonna widen the feet. Take up space on your mat, spread the fingertips. Inhale in, biggest breath you've taken all day. And exhale, floating the fingertips back to prayer. Shimmying the feet back underneath you. Or you can hop the feet together underneath you. Come back to standing in Mountain Pose, releasing the fingertips and we'll return to the top of the mat. Take a second here, notice how you feel. Feel those strong muscles of your legs kind of burning, whispering your name. Mine are going, Adriene. Yo, Adriene. That's the first time I think I've done that to myself. Hey, there's a first for everything. Reach for the sky, inhale in. Exhale, fold it down. Bend your knees, come into a nice low squat. From here nice and easy. Use your hands to come all the way back to a seat. Can center yourself on your mat. Keep the knees lifted feet on the ground. Then bring those toes up so the heels are digging in. We're gonna bring the palms together at the heart. My knees are in line with the hip points here, and slowly I'm going to inhale, lift my chest. And exhale, just lean back. I'm using my heels to dig down, my core's obviously on. Inhale in here, exhale, I'm going to twist to the left. Inhale to center, and exhale twist to the right. Inhale to center. Exhale, twist to the left. Inhale to center, exhale, twist to the right. One more on each side. Inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale, beautiful. Extend the legs, reach for the toes. Don't have to touch them, just reaching forward. Now point the toes and slowly keep reaching forward, reaching forward. We're going to roll down with control, slow as you can go. Nice and slow, keep reaching forward. Eventually the heart and the head come to the earth. We'll hug the right knee in. And then take it over to the left for a little twist. Right arm opens, close your eyes, breathe. And then slowly melt it back towards center and switch, hug the left knee in, and then guide it over to the right for a little twist. Close your eyes, breathe. And then back to center, hug both knees into the chest. Option to peel the nose, lift the head up towards the knees. Doesn't matter if they come close, just lifting up best you can, feeling that pressure in the low back. Nice and easy. I should say compression rather than pressure, more accurate. And then slowly release the head, bring the shoulders to the earth, bring the palms to the knees, and then just let the low back lift up as you kick the knees out and just soft ankles here. Just neutralizing little bit in the low back and the spine. You can tick tock a little bit side to side, if it feels right. Then bring the feet down to the earth. Relax the legs out, inhale in. Exhale, breathing out through the mouth, through the lips here. And one more time like that, inhale in through the nose. Let's sigh it out. Take a second, close your eyelids, get really still. Strength in surrender. Practice of surrendering to that which is beyond your control. And also this very special strength that comes from stillness. It's not always harder, faster, stronger, more, check, check, check all the boxes, but knowing when to be still. I find great strength in that. Breathe easy here. Love strength and stillness. It's like if you're brave and courageous, sometimes you're gonna cross the line, or you're gonna lose your footing or your consciousness. And instead of getting tripped up over your mistakes or whatever it is, you find strength in just pausing, getting real still. And then starting again with your consciousness, with your breath. Well, that's resonating with me, I don't know about you. Bring the palms together. (chuckles) Yes or no, it's okay. Thanks for being here, for taking the time to be with yourself and to be with me. I appreciate you sharing your valuable time and energy with me and with the Yoga With Adriene community. Bring the thumbs up to the third eye. Trust that the nutrients of your practice have settled in, that it's working. I'll see you tomorrow. Take good care. Inhale in, and final breath here for today, together we whisper, Namaste. (bright upbeat piano music)