- What's up party people? Welcome to BREATH, your 30 day yoga journey. It's Day 15, we've made it to the halfway mark. Hop into something comfy and let's enter. (bright upbeat piano music) Okie doke my friends, let's begin today's practice standing. Come to the center of your mat and just take a second, to just loop the shoulders forward, up and back a couple of times here as you land, Day 15. Wow. We're halfway through. Today's practice, an opportunity to enter. See each inhale perhaps as an opportunity, right, to arrive, and now here at the halfway mark, Benji, Benji. I think it's Wim Hof that says, "The breath is a door," right? We think of each inhale as an opening of a door, To go where? I don't know. You tell me. How about inside for now? So let's bring the hands to the belly. Stand nice and tall. Just take a second to take a couple full inhalations and exhalations. Landing here again in the present moment. Using that inhalation to create space, expansion. And using the exhale to soften and then return. Alright, then go ahead and release the fingertips down. So in celebration of the halfway mark, we are going to begin with a little Knocking on Heaven's Door. So walk the feet as wide as the hips, if not even a little wider, and you're gonna start to sway the arms, the hands, a little left to right. Soft bend in the knees and as you can see if you peek at me I'm creating like a bit of a bend each time I go, one way and then the other in the opposite knee, I want to be kind of soft in my legs so I'm not locking out through the knee. And so we enter the second half of this journey together with a bit of playfulness, with the willingness to maybe not decide where it ends. And if you feel silly, maybe you can use that mantra, "Don't decide where it ends. Just stick with it." You can start to pick up the pace a little bit here and inhale as you move one direction, maybe to the right, exhale to the left. Inhale to the right, exhale to the left. Find a little groove or pattern that feels right for you. Using this practice, even if it feels a little silly to hit the refresh button as we enter the second half of our quest for the breath. Start to pick up the pace a little more if you're feeling brave. Inhaling one way, exhaling the other. And see if you can find a bit of an audible breath to help anchor the mind. Oh yeah, we're cool. Keep it going for ten, nine, eight, seven. Six, five, four. Let it go. Three, two. And on the one, it slows down. Beautiful. We come to Mountain Pose. See if you can bring the feet together without looking down. See feelingly. And heart lifts here. Beautiful, and if you're not at the top of your mat or near the top of your mat, take whatever necessary steps you need to get there, maybe without looking, 'cause you know the grounds there. You have all this amazing body awareness. We're building that each day we show up more and more. Inhale, reach the fingertips up towards the sky. Exhale, dive in, Forward Fold. Inhale, halfway lift. You know what you're doing so just pay attention. Enter the present moment by really paying attention to sensation, as you exhale Forward Fold, good. Plant the palms, step it back, enter here. Pretend like this is the first time you've ever been in Plank. What can you find that's new? (chuckles) Inhale in deeply. Exhale, hips up high and back, Downward Facing Dog. Three to five breaths here. You got this. Pedaling it out. Taking pressure out of the wrists. When you're ready, inhale, lift the right leg up high. Exhale all the way up and through to a nice low lunge. Lower the back knee. Inhale to look forward. Let your heart really lift and open towards the front of your room. Good, then exhale, plant the palms, lift the back knee, step the right toes back. Inhale in here. Exhale, Downward Facing Dog. Three to five breaths, work it out. And on your next inhale, lift the left leg up high. Exhale, step it all the way up and through. Go ahead and lower onto that right knee and inhale, let your heart open forward. Good and exhale. Plant the palms, step the left toes back, Plank Pose. Building strength, here we go. Inhale, look forward, shift forward on the toes. Exhale all the way to the belly. Inhale, we rise up, Baby Cobra nice and small. And exhale to release again. Inhale we rise up Cobra, maybe a little bit bigger. And exhale to release. And one more time inhale, Bhujangasana, Cobra. And exhale to release. Curl the toes under, press up to all fours or Plank, your choice. And Downward Facing Dog. Breath out. Bend the knees, inhale, carve a line with the nose to look forward. Exhale, step your way to the top. Inhale, find a little playfulness here, find something new, maybe airplane arms come back into the picture. Good and then exhale, Forward Fold all the way down. Root to rise here, inhale, straighten the legs, reach for the sky. And exhale, hands back to the heart space. Pause here, breathe in. And breathe out. Beautiful, interlace the fingertips here, press the palms forward. From here you're gonna just find a little soft bend in the knees. We're gonna take our right heel and lift it, and then you're going to trace a line with your right toes all the way back and over towards the left edge of your mat. Peek at me if you need to. So it's as if you're ready to do a little curtsy. Then slide your hands all the way up and take your hands over towards the left, as you feel this big stretch in the right side body, right hip crease, psoas. Inhale in deeply. Exhale to release, come back to center. You can release the behind, Mountain Pose. Good, second side. Interlace the fingertips, press them forward. Soft bend in the knees as you lift your left knee. Excuse me, left heel, bend your left knee. And then here we go, tracing a line back and around and over towards the right side of your mat, as if you're gonna do a little curtsy here and then we'll send the pinkies up and over towards the right side here, breathing deep. Feeling that awesome stretch in the left side waist, the front of the hip crease, the shoulder, the back, the psoas. Maybe look up to your thumbs, inhale. And exhale to release everything. Come back to Mountain Pose. Inhale, reach for the sky. Exhale, Forward Fold. Inhale, halfway lift. Exhale, plant the palms, step or maybe today you hop back, Plank Pose. Be mindful. Inhale to look forward, shift forward. Exhale to lower all the way to your belly. Inhale for Cobra. Follow your exhale down. Forehead to the earth. Good, curl the toes under, inhale to all fours or Plank Pose. Exhale to Downward Facing Dog, beautiful. Inhale to lift the right leg up high. Exhale to step it all the way up. This time back leg stays lifted as you reach the fingertips forward, up and back for a high lunge. Now we know we can always keep that left knee on the ground. That's great, we have lots of options. Inhale in here, big beach ball up and overhead. Check it out. Exhale, left fingertips are gonna go forward, right fingertips are gonna go back. Again we can always lower the left knee to the earth. Beautiful, now stay here, you're going to take the right fingertips down, maybe grab the outer edge of the left thigh, maybe not. Send the left fingertips up, big stretch. Good, left fingertips reach back now, back, back, back as you inhale. Exhale, navel draws in to help stabilize this transition as you open up to the left, Warrior II. Good, inhale, Peaceful Warrior, right fingertips reach forward, up and back. Keep that front knee bent. And then exhale, cartwheel all the way back down to your lunge. Inhale right fingertips to the sky, big twist. Notice how it's changing, it's evolving. And exhale right hand to the earth. Step the right foot back as you breathe in. Lower down as you breathe out nice and slow. Inhale, Cobra. Exhale to release. Inhale to Plank or all fours. Exhale, Downward Facing Dog. Here we go, inhale left leg up high, you got it. Stick with me. Exhale, step the left foot all the way up. Back knee stays lifted, we know we can always drop to the ground if we need to. Big inhale to reach it up high. Big beach ball up and overhead. Nice, slow, deep breaths. In control. Inhale to find length. Exhale nice and slow. Head, heart and center moving together. Right fingertips forward, left fingertips back. So if the fingertips don't go all the way back, just go as far back as allows today. Beautiful. Now, right fingertips are gonna go up, left fingertips are going to go back and maybe we grab the outer edge of the right thigh, maybe not. And then we'll continue. Right fingertips reaching back here, big breath here. Lots of space. Entering into some new territory. Inhale. Exhale, navel draws in. Connection to core is strong here as we transition Warrior II, adjusting the feet. Finding your center here, taking up space. Good. Keep the front knee bent. Inhale, left fingertips reach up and back, Peaceful Warrior. And then slowly cartwheeling all the way down. Right hand to the earth. Big inhale as you send left fingertips up towards the sky. Good, exhale. Left hand to the mat. Step the left toes back. Inhale in. Exhale, Downward Facing Dog. Beautiful, nice cleansing breath here. Here we go, inhale in through the nose. And Lion's Breath, tongue out. In through the nose. Lion's Breath, tongue out. Good, slowly lower to your knees. Walk the knees together, feet together. Send the hips back towards the heels and drag the palms, past the knees, past the hips, and then flick the fingertips towards the edge of the mat as you relax the weight of the head and torso over in Child's Pose, Balasana. Alright, my darling. Close your eyes here. Feel the weight of your shoulders drop. And if this is not a yummy posture for you and you have not made adjustments yet, go ahead and make an adjustment now, darling. Come to Extended Child's Pose or maybe a nice comfortable seat. And find a place of stillness where you can close your eyes. And hear the invitation to enter. So we've talked about letting go of that which is no longer serving, creating space. Now today, the invitation is to stay with it. Stay with your breath. And enter into the next wave, the next stage or whatever it may be. Embodying the best and most beautiful version of yourself. Slowly make your way back up. If you're seated right now, we're coming to join you. We'll walk the hands forward. Swing legs to one side. And then everyone extend your legs out in front of you. You can shake them out a little bit, if you need to. Then point your left toes up towards the sky. So flex your left foot, press into your left heel bend your right knee lift it up. You're gonna hug your right heel in towards your right sits bone and give yourself about a hand's worth, handprint's worth of space between your right foot and your left inner thigh. Sit up nice and tall, if you need to grab a blankie here, sit up tall on it. That might be a good idea. We're gonna hook the left elbow around the right knee send the right fingertips behind. Inhale to lift and lengthen, feel it out. Exhale to journey into the twist. Left leg is super firm here. Breathing. Eventually, it might take practice, but we want to kind of take the collapse out of the spine here, this curvature, and make it as straight as possible so that we can create that healthy flow of energy to run up and down the spine. Serving us so that we can enter any and all beautiful circumstance with ease. Really present with the breath. Alright, from here gently release it. Check it out. We're gonna take the right leg, we're gonna lift the right foot up. You're gonna grab your right foot with your left hand. And we're gonna bring the left heel over towards the right side of the mat. So from here, we're going to rock a little back and forth as if your right leg were a little baby (laughs). Things just got very weird. And we're rocking it. And if you'd like, you can take and see if you can bring this right foot all the way up to the elbow and rock it here, a little side to side. Good old leg baby. And then rocking front and back. Breathing deep here. I just noticed my sternum kind of collapsing here, I'm gonna start to lift it up a little bit. And then releasing that, letting it go. Awesome. Alright, left knee comes up. Handprint of space in between the right leg and the left foot. When you're ready, sit up tall, hook the right elbow on the left knee. Squeeze the left knee into center. Left fingertips or palm comes behind. We flex through the right foot, really press down through the right thigh bone. Inhale to lift and lengthen. Head over heart, heart of her pelvis. And exhale to journey into your twist. Keep squeezing, hugging that left knee in towards the midline. Breathing here. So good for the body. Deep breaths down. In through the nose, out through the nose here. And when you're ready, we'll release. We're gonna take the left foot now, lift it up. Grab it with the right hand to start, just check it out, left side is probably going to be different than the right. We're gonna rock this leg baby a little back and forth, back and forth. Maybe you take that foot into the nook of the right elbow, maybe not. It is helpful to sit up on a little somethin' here if your spine is collapsing. And we're gonna rock the leg baby here. If you know the tune "Broadway Baby", you might sing that now, but with your leg baby. Lots of opportunities, okay. Benji, Benji. Okay, now let's release, here, buddy, come here, come here release the legs, Benji's coming to the mat. Perfect timing. Extend legs out long. Come to lie flat on your back. Awesome, hug the knees into the chest. When you get there, bring the palms to the kneecaps and we're gonna open the knees wide. And just hang out here for a second, soft feet. Beautiful, now we're gonna close the knees, cross the right leg over the left. Try to keep the knees together, as you grab onto your ankles, maybe your pant leg if you have it or the ankles or maybe you grab onto the outer edges of the feet here. Then kick the toes out, breathe deep here. Lengthen tailbone actively towards the front edge of your mat, or if you have a Benji at the front of your mat lengthen tailbone towards Benji. Sweet, then we're going to unravel the legs. Palms come to the kneecaps, open 'em wide. Soft feet. Good, close the knees. Cross the left leg over the right. Try to keep the knees together here. Grab the shins, the ankles or we'll reach towards the outer edges of the feet. Kick both toes out. Wooo! Breathe. Hmmm, hmmm, hmmm, hmmm, hmmm. Hello? Hello hips, hello piriformis. Hello whole body that I love so much. What are you saying hello to? What are you going to enter into in the second phase of our journey? Yes or no, are you going to enter embodying the best and most beautiful version of yourself? Yes or no? Whisper it quietly. Yes. Unravel the legs. Let the feet come to the ground. Maybe with a thud, ah. Extend one leg out then the other. Allow your arms to rest gently at your sides as you maybe snuggle the shoulder blades underneath your heart space. Windshield wiper the toes a little left to right. Wiggle the fingers, inhale in and then exhale. Let everything go. Come into an exquisite stillness. Inhale in deeply here. Feel it. As if it were maybe a soft, beautiful wave here. And then exhale. It crashes gently and falls. Take a moment to observe the breath here. Blanket yourself in love. Recommit to this daily practice. You made a choice and we're here both as individuals, and also committed to being here in this together. So I look forward to seeing you for tomorrow's Sweet 16 practice. Thank you for showing up. Bring the palms together. Inhale as you bring thumbs to third eye. And exhale to release. Enter. Namaste. (bright upbeat piano music)