- Hey everyone. Welcome to BREATH, your 30 day yoga journey. It's Day 14, can you believe it? And today, we're talkin' about Space. Let's get started. (bright upbeat piano music) Alrighty my sweet friend, come on down to the ground. Sit up nice and tall and let's begin with a deep breath in through the nose, and out through the nose. Just getting settled in here. Deep breath in through the nose. And out through the nose. And then wildcard, breath in through the nose. And out through the nose or mouth, your choice. Alright, drop the chin to the chest. And you're just gonna tilt the head a little left to right gently tick-tocking, left ear to left shoulder, left ear to right shoulder with the chin down. And then, ooh yeah, come back to center. Lift the chin parallel to the earth and then carve a line with your nose gently up towards the sky, but not directly up so you're not crunching in the back of the neck. But just a lift to feel the throat open here. Neck get nice and long in the front. And then same thing, tick-tocking. Left ear to left shoulder, right ear to right shoulder and you're gonna feel hopefully a nice good stretch in the front of the neck here. It's kinda like you're pondering. It's like you're those cherubs, those angels thinking. Okay, and then bring the head back. Head over heart, heart over pelvis. Pay attention here to this alignment. So you might find yourself shifting forward or even hunched a little back. Don't forget to sit up on something to help you sit up nice and tall. And we're gonna bring the fingertips to the shoulders here. Bring the elbows forward to kiss. As you inhale, they come up and around and back. Creating space here. As you inhale, they come forward, kiss together. Exhale, around and back, and you can soften your gaze and close your eyes here and start to feel, feel it out, moving with the breath. Good, and then do one more. And then we're gonna take it forward, but one elbow at a time. So first the right, then the left. First, the right, then the left like we're swimming, with the elbows leading the way. Great, then release that. Send the palms out just for a second to stretch, stretch, stretch. Cross the right arm over the body towards the left side of your mat. Take the left hand and press it along the arm here to feel this stretch. And then when you feel like you've found this, you're gonna drop your right shoulder down. So chances are it's lifting up, you're gonna drop it down, and turn to look past your right shoulder. Whoo, lots of space. The neck, the traps, the shoulders. Good, then release that. We're gonna take it to the other side. We're gonna reach the left arm over towards the right. Excuse me, right hand's gonna help guide the arm all the way. A lot of us know this stretch from, you know, maybe gym class or sports, but we're gonna drop the shoulder down into socket here, and then turn past the left shoulder. Breathe. Good, and then slowly release, awesome. Fingertips are gonna come back to the tops of the shoulders. Good, we're gonna open up through the chest so, feel this length up through the side body. So we're growing long through all four sides of the torso. The front, the sides, and the back, lots of space here. We're gonna do a little pranayama here to give us a little energy to start moving. So we're gonna inhale, turn to the right. We know to sit up nice and tall. Head over heart, heart over pelvis. And then exhale, we rotate through center. Head, heart and pelvis over to the left. And we're using the elbows and the shoulders to help guide the movement. So inhale to right. Exhale to the left. Inhale to right. Exhale to the left. Now we're gonna speed it up. And keep the skin of the face calm. Inhaling to the right. Exhaling to the left. Head, heart and pelvis, staying in one line. Creating space throughout the spine, the torso, massaging the internal organs here. Keep the low body nice and heavy. Keep it going. Alright, 10 more seconds. See if you can find that upward lift through the front body, grounding through the back body. And release, relax the arms gently. Inhale in through both nostrils. Exhale through both nostrils. Just notice how you feel, soft fingertips. Whoo, okay, here we go, coming to all fours nice and slow. If the arms are a little sore from our previous practices, we're working it out, we're building strength, can start to work with fists here. Inhaling to drop the belly. Creating space through the front body. Exhaling to round through the spine. Think about creating space here through the back body. Good, inhale to drop the belly, heart reaches forward. Exhale, use your foundation to create that space. Just play. Inhaling, drop the belly. Exhale, round through the spine. The next time you inhale, go ahead and inhale to Tabletop, nice neutral spine here. And you're gonna curl the right toes under, send the right toes back, and then you're gonna slowly walk or slide rather, slide the right toes all the way over towards the left side of your mat, and then turn to look at your left heel. Now use, this is a great place to experiment, to practice using the foundation, that which is touching the earth, to really ground and press away from so that you can create more space and see what areas you find can create more space by focusing or refocusing on your foundation and your breath as well. So for me, it's the fascia of the foot as I reach the right heel back. It's the arms as I claw through the fingertips, take pressure out of the wrists. As I turn to look past my left shoulder, I feel that length in my side body. The right low back, even the front of my right hip crease, and the psoas. So there's a lot there, take a deep breath in. Exhale to bring it on back. Reset, draw the navel up and in. So a little center connection, and then left toes curl in, we extend the left leg out. Reach back through that left heel, and then nice and slow, slide it over. Keep pressing in to your left palm. And then send your gaze past your right shoulder, look at your left heel, and same thing. What can you do, what actions can you play with to create more space, and how can adding a conscious breath invite that spaciousness in as well? And feel it out. Notice where you feel that expansion and that stretch. That opening. Glorious, one more breath here, inhale. Exhale. And then slowly release. Come back to all fours. Walk the palms forward. Then we're gonna slowly walk the knees back, and just gently come on to the belly all the way down, all the way down, all the way down. Beautiful, walk the elbows underneath the shoulders. So we've come to Sphinx Pose before. Again, make sure the forearms are nice and parallel, the hands are gonna wanna come in to accommodate for tight shoulders. See if you can keep them nice and parallel. Now dig down through the elbows, draw the shoulder blades together, open up through the chest as you look forward, inhale. Exhale, slight tuck of the chin. Beautiful. Breathing here. Alright from here, we're gonna take the left elbow a little bit wider and we're gonna bring the right hand in. So now we're bringing the forearm of the right hand parallel with the front of the mat. Peek at me if you need to. Right elbow's still underneath the right shoulder. I'm gonna bend my left knee, reach back, grab my left ankle, and then kick back. Opening up through the left shoulder, left pec. So I'm not trying to grow a big pose here, I'm focusing on feeling the sensation. Pressing down through the top of the right foot for stability. Pressing away from the yoga mat. This is another great example if you're collapsing, you're not gonna feel supported or safe. But, with that action, you will feel more supported and hopefully safe to play. Let's go ahead and release, try it on the other side. So again, I'm gonna bring my left form parallel with the front of the mat. And I'm still bringing left elbow underneath the shoulder. And then I'll bend my right knee, reach behind, grab my right ankle, kick back with the right foot and you'll feel that opening in your right armpit chest. Breathing deep here. With that inhale, breathing in to the belly. Exhale, kicking, kicking out. Good, and then slowly release. Draw the hands in line with the ribcage. Inhale, baby Cobra, just a baby one. Strengthening that back. And then exhale to release. Press up to all fours, drop the elbows where the hands are, Puppy Posture as you walk the knees back. Again, keep the forearms parallel. Don't let those hands come in, so even if it means you don't go back as much. Let's start to open up, create space in the whole shoulder girdle. You can walk the hips, excuse me, rock the hips a little left to right here. Melt the heart down, Heart to Earth Pose here. Inhaling deeply. And exhaling. Good. Draw the navel in and up. Slowly shift your heart forward. Keep the elbows where they are, forearm Plank. As you curl the toes under, we lift the knees. From here, see if you can keep the forearms parallel, but if it feels more stable to interlace the fingertips and bring them together, if that's how you're used to practicing and you're craving it, go there. 'Cause we're here for ten. Nine, press away from the yoga mat. Eight, seven, six, five, four. Three, two, one, blast off to space, just kidding. Lower the knees, release the arms. Let's bring the hands back to the earth. Curl the toes under, peel the hips up high and back, Downward Facing Dog. Take a deep breath in here as you pedal the feet, bend the knees, work it out. Exhale. Inhale, carve a line with the nose to look forward. Exhale, make your way to the top. Feet flush together or hip width apart, (chuckles) your choice. Toes pointing forward. Slight bend in the knees, clasp opposite elbow with opposite hand and then let the weight of your head, your shoulders, the torso hang over as you root through all four corners of the feet and find a gentle sway side to side. Mmm, creating all this yummy space in the low back after all this awesome work you've been doing here on the mat. Balancing it out. You gotta bring the breath. Good, and when you're ready, release the arms, and let's begin to slowly roll it up. Enjoy the ride. Your best and most beautiful Mountain Pose here, stand tall. Feel your breath. And then when you're ready, stretch the hands, so spread the fingertips really wide here to exaggerate it, create lots of space between the fingers. As you inhale, reach all the way up. Imagine you're holding a big beach ball here. Thumbs back, pinkies forward. Then you're gonna take that big ball up and overhead, so careful not to have too narrow of a grip here. Nice and wide. You're gonna take it up and over towards the left here as you bump the hips to the right. And then all the way back to center, up and over to the right as you bump the hips to the left. Then all the way back to center, inhale, look up. Exhale slow and steady, Forward Fold all the way down. Inhale, lifts you up halfway. Lots of space between the ears and the shoulders. And then exhale to soften and fold. Bend the knees, plant the palms, step one foot back, then the other, Plank Pose. Walk the toes super wide, inhale in. Exhale, Downward Facing Dog. So, feet are nice and wide. Now turn the toes in slightly. Exaggerate this external rotation of the upper arm bones. So we have the external rotation of the upper arm bones and then the inner rotation of the thigh bone, so two opposites again. Take a deep breath in here. Then exhale, slowly lower to the knees. Walk the hands in line with the shoulders, wrists underneath the shoulders, excuse me. And here we go, we're gonna inhale, kick the right foot up towards the sky, keep the right knee bent. Open up the chest. Inhale, look forward again. Beautiful, exhale. Draw your navel up to your spine for stability as you maybe reach your left arm back to grab the top of the right foot. And then we'll kick out from here using the ground as we have been practicing to really root down and lift out of to kick the right foot back and heart forward. Creating space through the front body. Inhale in. And exhale to release, nice and slow with control. Beautiful, same thing on the other side. Let's play, kick the left foot up, breathe in. Exhale. Use that contraction to really draw the navel up and in. Right hand reaches around. Maybe grabs the top of the left foot. Can always just work with the foot here. Both hands on the ground. Then use your foundation to really root from, so grow from those roots as you inhale, open the chest. Create space in the front body. Inhale, front line's nice and open. Exhale, connect to your center. Inhale in again, maybe kick a little more. And then with control, exhale, release everything. Alright, walk the hands forward, curl the toes under, send the hips up high and back. Inhale in deeply. As you exhale, just let it all go. Good, inhale, lift the right leg up high. Exhale, step it all the way up into your lunge. Pivot on the back foot, Warrior I. Big breath as you take your big beach ball up and overhead. So nice wide grip on the ball, (laughs) up over head, not too small. Give yourself some space. Front knee over front ankle. Legs are strong. Lengthening the tailbone down as you lift the heart up. Inhale in here. Exhale, Warrior II, take up space. So imagine energy really kind of going beyond the fingertips here as you spread the fingertips nice and wide, drop the shoulders, and lift the heart. Look forward, inhale in. Exhale, Reverse Warrior, straighten the front leg. Reach up and back with the right arm. And then exhale, take up space here in this transition today as you cartwheel all the way forward and into your twist. Big inhale to reach the right fingertips up, send the left heel back. And exhale, right hand to the earth. Step the right toes back, belly to Cobra or Chaturanga to Upward Facing Dog. Use your breath to open the chest, to open the heart. As you breathe in, follow the breath to send the hips up high and back, Downward Facing Dog as you breathe out. Alright, inhale, lift the left leg up high. Exhale, step it all the way up. Pivot on the back foot, Warrior I. With your big inhale, fingertips reach up, big beach ball up and overhead. Thumbs back, pinkies forward. Front knee is over front ankle. I'm pressing into the outer edge of my back foot. Legs are charged. Face is calm. Hang on to your focus as you open it up, Warrior II. Pull the pinkies back. Head over heart, heart over pelvis. Breathing. Take up space but again, imagine your fingertips being pulled in opposite directions. And then straighten the front leg, inhale, reach the left fingertips all the way up first. Create space in the left side waist and then all the way back. Nice and long in the neck, lots of integrity there as you inhale in. Exhale, take up as much space as possible, baby, as you cartwheel all the way into your twist, pivoting on the back foot. Big inhale lifts the left fingertips up, squeeze the left knee in. And then exhale, left hand to the ground. Beautiful. Plant the palms, step it back. Belly to Cobra or Chaturanga to Upward Facing Dog. Using that inhale to open your heart. And using the exhale to meet me in Downward Facing Dog, beautiful. Deep breath in. Long breath out. One more time, inhale lots of love in. Claw through the fingertips. Exhale lots of love out. Good, bend the knees, inhale. Carve a line with the nose to look forward. Exhale, make your way to the top. Inhale, lift up halfway. Exhale to soften and fold. Bend the knees, send the hips back. Chair Pose, send the fingertips forward. Here we go, nice and low, dig in to the heels. Hip creases pull back. Big beach ball here so you have lots of space. Inhale in. Exhale, root to rise, straighten the legs, reach for the sky. And hands are gonna float down to the heart here. When they do, take a second to observe the breath. Then we're gonna turn over one shoulder and we're gonna take up some space by bringing the legs nice and wide on the mat. And toes can point forward to the edge of your mat. We're gonna press into the knife edge, the outer edge of the feet. Draw energy up from the arches. And then inhale, fingertips go down to come up, we're gonna come in to Star Pose, so it's a big X. Talk about taking up space here. So pull the backs and the hands back just a bit. Open up through this area that we have been tending to. Getting a healthy flow of lymph. Also releasing buildup of stress and tension around the neck, the shoulders, even the ribcage. Close your eyes here and just a little contemplation for this practice of taking up space. If the arms get tired, you're not alone. Breathing here, lifting the ribcage up, up, up. Lifting your heart. We're not here long. You got this. Length in the back of the neck. Inhale in. Exhale, hands to heart. Good. Inhale in again. Exhale, relax the shoulders down. Inhale in, lift the heart, the sternum up to the thumbs. Feel that connection of your thumbs on your heart center, you might even feel your heart beat. Then soft bend in the knees, you're gonna bring your heels a little bit wider than your toes, so toes turn in. And Standing Wide-Legged Forward Fold, so therapeutic. Soft bend in the knees as we send the hip creases back. And today, we'll move through that flat back position so you can take a breath at that flat back position, and then find your version today. So you might use your blanket to bring the earth up to you. If you have blocks or books, you might use them here. Maybe fingertips come into the earth. Strong legs, full conscious breath here guiding the way. Maybe the hands come all the way down. And maybe even we are able to walk the hands with practice in line with the arches of the feet. Maintain an external rotation in the upper arm bones and maybe one day bring the crown of the head to the earth. We're working in your variation today fully. Breathing into all four sides of the torso. Creating space. Owning it, owning where we are today. Take one more breath wherever you are, nice and easy. Then start with the feet. Connect all four corners down to the earth. We draw energy up through the arches, through the inseam until we get to the belly, we connect with the core, help the guide the way as we bring the hands back to heart center and slowly rise back up. Star Pose, inhale, send the fingertips out. Exhale, stay here. Twice more, inhale. Take up space and exhale. You are more than worthy of this space. Own it, here we go, one last breath. Good, float the palms together. You can hop the feet together here if that's your jam or slowly inch the heels and the toes back to Mountain Pose. That's where we'll meet. Relax the hands gently at your sides. We'll walk to the front of the mat here. Hmm, good. On an inhale, reach for the sky. On an exhale, fold it down. Fingertips come to the mat here, check it out. We're gonna lift the heels and drop your center all the way down into a crouched position. That's right, a crouched position. So heels are lifted, you can keep the feet hip width apart or if you wanna challenge yourself, if it feels right in your body, it's not gonna feel right for everyone, I'll tell you that right now, you can bring the feet together, really together. Then lift the heels. So we're focused on sensation and creating spaciousness in the body so that when we get off the mat we can move and groove and live and learn and serve with more ease. So don't get too caught up in, "Oh, I wanna get my feet together," you know? Just, let's come into this crouch position and feel this spaciousness in the low back. The whole back really. And in the fascia of the foot. And from there, we're gonna draw some energy up from the pelvic floor and come on to the fingertips. And then from there, we'll revisit this maybe another day if it's not right for you, but from there, you might lift one hand up and then the other into a little toe stand. So we're either staying in a crouch or we're practicing a little toe stand. Just getting some fun things to play with as we create space. But remembering that our goal is to be in the sensation. And then follow the sensation. That keeps me in a state of play. Alright, let that go. Use the hands to come all the way back on to the bum. Center your bum in the center of your mat. Then reach the fingertips forward as you slowly, slowly, slowly, one vertebrae at a time here, roll it down. Controlling the muscles in the center of the body until you come all the way down to the ground. We'll take a big full body stretch here reaching the arms all the way up and overhead. Point and flex the feet, rotate the ankles. Rotate the wrists too if that feels good. Then slowly float the hands down, palms on the earth. We'll lift the knees back up, soles of the feet on the mat. So opening up through the front line here again. Finding space as we press into all four corners of the feet. Press into the hands, and slowly begin to lift the hip points up towards the sky. Crawl the shoulder blades underneath you. Bridge pose, shins forward. Hip points lifting. Chest lifts to the chin and the chin lifts to the sky. It's almost as if you're feeling as though you could tear the center of your yoga mat. So tearing the mat into two pieces, that's how strong the connection is in the feet. Can take the bind by interlacing the fingertips. Still creating space in the chest, the shoulders. Inhale in. And exhale to slowly release. Make your way all the way back down to the earth. Open the knees wide, Reclined Cobbler's pose. Let the hands rest gently on the belly. Feel your inhale, the belly rises. And feel out your exhale as the belly slowly falls, close your eyes. Then bring the fingertips to the outer edges of the legs. Close the knees slowly. Hug both legs up towards the chest. You can rock around a little bit here if it feels good. Massaging the low back. Maybe taking knees one way in a circular motion and then the other. Palms on the kneecaps. Then hug the right knee in, send the left leg out long. Take a deep breath in. Exhale, supine twist. Guide the right knee over towards the left side of your yoga mat. And open up through your right wing. Maybe turn on towards your right ear. Breathe deep into your belly. And breathe out, letting something go. Inhale in again. And in the twist, have an opportunity here always on the exhale to let go of maybe something that is just no longer serving you. Maybe it had a purpose once before and you can honor that and then use a nice exhale as an opportunity to let it go, say thank you and let it go. And come back to center. Hug the left knee all the way up and in. Right leg extends, inhale. Exhale to the twist. Same thing, opening up now through your left wing, turning on your left shoulder. Inhaling, feeling all four sides of the torso receive that breath. And then exhaling to let something go. Inhale in. And exhale, letting go of that which no longer serves so that you can create space for the incoming gifts. One more breath in. Seriously, this exhale, nice conscious exhale, opportunity to get rid of some old clothes, old shoes, things that no longer fit in your life to make room for the next bits and pieces you wanna try on. In other words, thank you, next. Okay, here we go. (laughs) Come back to center. And if you want, let's do a little Happy Baby here before we extend the legs out long. So grab the outer edges of the feet, lengthen the tailbone towards the front edge of the mat. Deep breath in. Long breath out. And when you're ready, extending the legs out long. Allowing the arms to rest gently at your side. Maybe you take your blanket, bring it underneath the head or underneath the knees. Coming in to relaxation. Allowing the benefits, the myriad of benefits this practice, working on so many different levels, allowing it all to kind of come together here in the Corpse Pose. Receiving the benefits and the nutrients of this amazing practice. Simply allowing here in the final posture, you don't have to do anything. Take a deep breath in. And use your next exhale as one final full opportunity to let everything go. Relaxing the weight of your body completely and fully into the earth. And just a couple of more quiet moments here to just be. And as you're ready, gently begin to deepen your breath. Start to rub your thumbprint on your index finger, middle finger, ring finger, pinky. And just move back and forth there as you invite some energy back to the toes, wiggling the toes as well. Then we'll bring the hands together. Thumbs right up to the forehead or that third eye. We'll take a final breath in here together. Inhale, lots of love in. Make space for all the love that you're worthy of. Get ready to receive incoming. And of course, take it upon yourself to exhale lots of love out. Spread love. And we'll keep it going. Whoo hoo, almost to the halfway mark. I can't wait to see you tomorrow. Until then, take good care. Namaste. (bright upbeat piano music)