- Hello everyone. Welcome to BREATH, your 30 day yoga journey. It's Day 12. Drop. Let's get started. (bright upbeat piano music) Alrighty, let's start in a nice comfortable seat, and right away, we're going to drop into the breath. Working as we tune in here today with this directional breath that we've been talking a little bit about, but the idea is that the inhale travels in through the nose drops it down, down, down into the belly. Fill the lungs, the diaphragm expands. Can think just the belly expanding like a balloon. And on the exhale, it releases, it softens in. And of course, the air comes out the nose or mouth. Let's stick with nostril breathing today. Here for this directional breath, sit up nice and tall. Hopefully you're there by now. If not, just take your time, catch up, drop in whenever you're ready. Tuck the chin slightly. You can close your eyes here, or soften your gaze down past the nose. Allow the sound of my voice to guide you here, as we inhale in deeply through the nostrils, imagine, visualize see that breath go down towards the belly. And then exhale, it releases. Let's bring the hands to the stomach, low ribs here, so that we can breathe into the hands or try, right? See what happens. Inhale in again. And exhale slowly. Inhale in deeply. And exhale slowly. And you may find it's a little difficult, especially if you are not used to dropping the breath down as you breathe in. A lot of us spend a lot of time kind of breathing up into the shoulders, into the chest. So, no worries if it's a little difficult at first. We're here to practice. And as you continue to play with the breath here, again closing the eyes or softening your gaze inward, let today's drop practice be a beautiful reminder that we come to the mat often with so many expectations. It's very helpful to drop the expectations as you are arriving on the mat. Sometimes I even go as far to invite myself and my friends, you guys, to forget what think you know about yoga. When you arrive on the mat, you're there to experience your body, your breath, to snuggle up to your truth, your true self, what feels like home. So if we have all these expectations, we can sometimes miss those beautiful, simple moments where we (sighs) kind of align with what feels good, with what it feels honest. So even though this is a quick and playful practice, there's a lot to chew on. Dropping the breath, dropping expectations, and really seeing how fast you can drop in to a little connection with your breath. Knowing that this practice is available to you anytime of day, in any circumstance. The breath, a dear friend, that you can drop into conversation with wherever and whenever. Okay, release the hands. Let's release that deep breathing and inhale in through the nostrils here. Exhale out through the mouth. Then inhale to come to all fours. Pad the knees, if you like. And exhale here, of course. And then inhale to spread the fingertips wide, walk the palms forward, really stretch. And then exhale to curl the toes under, send the hips up high and back, Downward Facing Dog. And just keep it soft and easy here as you continue to breathe. Checking in with the body. A little goes a long way. We don't always need that 90 minutes sweat to get connected to our bodies, to do a little conditioning, to listen to our heart's song, whatever it is. A little really can go a long way. So beautiful that you are here and that you keep showing up daily. Okay, walk it to the top nice and slow. When you get in your Forward Fold, feet hip width apart or flush together, your choice. Inhale lots of love in. And exhale lots of love out. Close your eyes. And again, inhale lots of love in. Then exhale lots of love out. As I invite you to drop any stress or tension that you might be holding in the neck or the shoulders. Maybe even an invitation here to drop any stress or worries that you're bringing to your mat, allowing yourself to be really present in this process for the short time that we're on our mat today. Yeah, yeah! Okay, here we go. Tuck the chin. Let's start to roll it up to standing. See if you can enjoy this little ride all the way up to Mountain Pose. Lift your heart, drop your awareness down through all four corners of your feet. Lengthen up through the tip-top of your head, and right away, here we go. Spread the fingertips wide in celebration of you showing up here today. Inhale, reach for the sky. Exhale, Forward Fold, take it all the way down. Find what feels good here. As you inhale, lengthen through the crown. And exhale, down you go, Forward Fold. Nice. So, move slow here. Plant the palms. We're gonna step one foot back then the other. Beautiful, little Plank here. And I want you to find a little sway here. So you can come onto the knees if you like. So, we're turning on the abdominals, turning on those abs, we're reaching the heels back if the knees are lifted. We're pressing away from the yoga mat. So there's a doming effect through the upper back body. We're not collapsing in the scaps and the shoulder blades. Excellent. Then, if your knees are lifted go ahead and lower them. Turn your left fingertips in towards your bod, (chuckles) and go for a gentle circle one way. And then the other. Nice. And then release the left hand. Let's move to the right. Same thing here. Hi, Benji. Thank you for joining us, mi amor! (laughs) Aww. And then release the right hand. Curl the toes under, send the hips up high and back, Downward Facing Dog. Okay, inhale in here. Exhale out. Breathing through the nostrils, inhale, bend the knees, lift the hip points up high. We've done this before. Then exhale, drop the heels. Good, again. Inhale, bend the knees. Lift the hip creases up high. And exhale, drop the heels. One more time. This could be just a subtle move. Clawing to the fingertips. Bend the knees, inhale. And exhale, drop the heels. Nice. Inhale, lift the right leg up high, nice and slow. Exhale, step it up. Go ahead and lower that left knee. Drop it to the earth. And we're just going to take a second here to breathe, front knee over front ankle. Then if you're feeling kind of sore or low energy today, listen to your body. Stay nice and low here for this next breath cycle. If you want a little more movement, inhale, reach the fingertips forward, up and back. Big breath, big stretch. And exhale to take it down. Now keep that back knee lowered for today's twist. As we send the right fingertips up towards the sky, inhale. Breathing into all four sides of the torso. Good, and exhale, drop the right hand down. Great. Pull the right hip crease back. Flex the toes towards the face. Inhale in. Exhale, right foot all the way back to the earth. Plant the palms, Step the right toes back. Inhale in here. Exhale, Downward Facing Dog. Good. Claw through the fingertips. Inhale, lift the left leg up high. Exhale. Step it all the way up. Lower the right knee down. Take a couple breaths here. Stay nice and low if you fancy, or on the next cycle of breath reach the fingertips forward, up and back as you breathe in. And bring it down as you breathe out. Everyone, keep the back knee down today as we pull the left hip crease back, we squeeze the left knee in toward center so that front knee stays over the front ankle. As we inhale, reach the left fingertips up towards the sky. Breathe into all four sides of the torso. And exhale to release. Beautiful. Drag the hands back, pull the left hip crease back. Send the hips back as you flex your left toes now towards your face. And then rolling through that left foot, come all the way back. Alright, last Plank here. Step the left toes back. Plank or Half Plank, inhale in deeply. And exhaling to make your way to Downward Facing Dog. Beautiful bend your right knee generously, just your right knee, as you drop your left heel. This is a big anchor here in Downward Dog. Anchoring the heels, particularly when we come into Three-Legged Dog, using that anchor. And then you're gonna take your head and your heart. Keep pressing into both palms evenly as you turn to look underneath your left arm or the left armpit chest. Beautiful. Should feel that in the legs. And then we're going to take it to the other side by dropping the right heel. Feel that anchor and how it's connected to the whole body as you bend your left knee generously and turn your heart under your gaze, underneath your right shoulder. Hug the lower ribs in, breathe. And then slowly release back to center. Beautiful. Slowly lower to the knees. Bring the big toes to touch. Walk the knees wide and send the hips back. Extended Child's Pose. Heart melts down, forehead to earth. Actively reaching the fingertips. So, really active arms here, if you can muster it. Maybe even lifting the elbows for a couple of breaths. Feeling that length in the side waist, the low back. Beautiful. Inhale in here. Exhale to slowly come out of the shape, come back to all fours and curl the toes under. Downward Facing Dog, lift the hips up high and back. Okay. Claw through the fingertips, you got this. Upper arm bones are externally rotated. We're taking pressure out of the wrist by really rooting down through the knuckles. Good. Then keep the knees straight but not locked. As you inhale, lift the heels. Exhale, drop 'em. Inhale, lift the heels. Press into the pinky toes, and exhale, drop. Last time, inhale. Lift, lift, lift, lift the hip creases up high. Really exaggerate that. And then drop them down. Beautiful, listen carefully. You're gonna walk the hands back towards the toes. So, Forward Fold now at the back edge of your mat. And then from here, we're gonna walk the feet a little bit wider than hip width apart, and then turn the toes out. They might even spill off the yoga mat just a bit. Now find your center, navel draws in and up. Find that brace that we've been playing with. Inhale in, find your brace, bend your knees and start to lower your center down. So, drop your hips down as we come into a little yogic squat here. Now, this will be a little different for everyone. The heels might start to come up right away, and if they do you can let them. Knees are nice and wide. If you are able to keep all four corners of the feet on the mat, then we'll work to really press into the outer edges of the feet so the knees don't knock in too much. Hands can stay on the earth for stability, hands or fingertips. Or we might bring the palms together, press the palms at the heart center, using this bind here, this press, to really press the elbows into the legs. Now, if you've been practicing for a long time, it's a big community here, practicing together which is one of the more beautiful things about this process and this experience is that we're kind of all in this together and we're showing up as individuals making it our own. If you've been practicing awhile, press the elbows into the legs but then squeeze the legs into the elbows. Find that resistance and then see if you can find length from there. Definitely connecting to Mula Bandha, lifting up from the pelvic floor. Lengthening through the neck. So, you're in your variation. And you're dropping into the breath here wherever you are. Softening through the jaw, the skin of the forehead. And we're here for one more deep breath in. And long breath out. Good. Now, ground down through all four corners of the feet. So important that you stay connected through the feet here in this transition. We're gonna bring the fingertips back up. We're gonna walk the toes in line. We're gonna walk all the way, all the way out to a Plank only to lower the knees. Good. Swing the legs to one side. And then come to a seat, sending the legs all the way out in front. When you arrive there, bend one knee than the other. Send the hands back behind you. And then we're going to take the knees to one side. Lift your heart. Maybe this is a great place to check in with the head and the neck. And then take it to center and drop them to the other side. And then one more time to center. and windshield wipering back and forth. To one side and then the other. And then from here, take a deep breath in. And as you exhale, guide yourself to a comfortable seat, or if you're craving a supine position, lay down on your sweet back. And I think this is, again, a great opportunity to remember to drop your expectations. For me, with the home yoga practice, I should specify, the most important thing is that you're taking the time to drop in each and every day to be with yourself and to connect with your source. To me, this is self-love and self-care. Giving yourself a little bit of time or a lot of time, but some time to check in. And that can look like a different thing each day, right? What felt good yesterday may not feel good today. So, the idea is that we're taking the time to drop in, and that could be with a full practice or it can be with three breaths in a nice comfortable seat or lying down. Keep this in mind as we progress on this journey. Each day will look and feel a little different. What matters most is that you keep coming, keep showing up, keep checking in and dropping in with that sweet breath. Alright, whether you're lying down or seated, let's bring the palms together to close this puppy out. So, no matter what's going on, no matter what it looks like, let's raise the thumbs to the third eye. May we always see the truth. May we take the time. Drop the thumbs to the lips. May we we always speak the truth. And finally hands to heart, which for me, this is what our practice is all about. May we always feel the truth. Thanks everyone. Love you guys. Take a deep breath in. And exhale to bow. Namaste. (bright upbeat piano music)