- What's up everyone? Welcome to BREATH, your 30 day yoga journey. It's Day 10, baby. And today we connect. Let's get started. (bright upbeat piano music) Okey doke, let's begin today's practice in Extended Child's Pose. If that's not your jam then you can just start today's practice in a nice comfortable seat of your choice. As you get settled in, we'll begin by taking opportunity to soften the gaze or close your eyes. And if you're in this Extended Child's Pose shape, you can really hunker down in your own little cave here (chuckles) and begin to connect to your breath. Whatever that means to you today, connecting to the sound of your breath, connecting to the quality of your breath. Maybe it was particularly hard for you to get to the practice today but phew, you made it, a sigh, a nice long exhale, if it feels good. Connecting to your breath could also mean connecting to something greater than yourself. Something such as a spirit, or the spirit within, which is of course a reflection of a greater spirit perhaps. Whatever it means for you today, this is how we begin. Connecting to the breath. And in a moment, we'll try to take this connection with us into the next moment and into the next moment and into the next moment. Connecting the dots with each present moment. Soften through the jaw. If you're seated, maybe draw small circles with the nose one way, and then the other. If you're an Extended Child's Pose, maybe begin to rock on the forehead, massaging the brow bone here. Maybe turning to look to the left and turning to look to the right. And then bring it back to center. Press firmly through the palms, press into the tops of the feet, lift your heart to bring it up. Walk the knees underneath the hips, curl the toes under, and slowly peel the hips up high and send them back for Downward Facing Dog. Stretch it out here, but stay connected to your breath. Then when you're ready, inhale to look forward. Exhale to make your way to the top, baby steps or ragdoll or maybe a hop. At the top of your mat find your Forward Fold, bend your knees. And I'm going to invite you to interlace your fingertips behind the calves and ankles today. Again, bend your knees generously. Letting the head hang, shifting your weight a little front and back until you can center your weight. Connecting to all four corners of the foot. Excellent, now release the fingers and we'll slowly begin to roll it up. Letting the arms hang heavy like a rag doll connecting to the feet. Inhale in here. Use your exhale to drop the shoulders down away from the ears. And inhale in again, let's send the fingertips up. Big stretch as you reach for the sky. And then exhale, bend the knees nice and slow, Forward Fold. Inhale, lifts up halfway, nice long, beautiful neck here. And exhale Forward Fold back down. Beautiful. Back up the way we came here, inhale, reach for the sky. Big breath in, wiggle the fingertips. Exhale, hands to heart center. Inhale in here. Exhale to relax the shoulders. Good, again, inhale, fingertips go down to come up. Reach for the sky, full body stretch, strong legs. Exhale, wiggle the fingertips, Forward Fold all the way down. Stay connected to the breath as you inhale. Nice flat back position. Long, beautiful neck here. Exhale, fold. Inhale, step just the left toes back. Stay up on the fingertips here. Careful not to crash down into the fingertips. Then inhale to look forward. Beautiful, exhale slowly, lower the left knee to the earth. Inhale, you're gonna take your left foot, swing it over to the right side of your mat and then use your fingertips to lightly crawl your way all the way to the back, left hand to the mat. We're going to turn the right toes in and then inhale, slide your right fingertips across the chest and then all the way up towards the sky. Little Gate Pose variation. Now connect to your center here by hugging the low ribs in. Careful not to collapse in the neck here. Really lengthen through the crowns. So remember the neck is an extension of the spine. Now press away from your yoga mat. So you grow a little bit taller here, reaching towards the sky, inhale. Exhale, back down the way you came, right fingertips come all the way down. Then we use the fingertips to slowly crawl it to the front, bending the front knee, bringing the left foot back. Curl the left toes under, left hand comes down. Inhale, stay connected to your breath as you open up into your twist, right fingertips up towards the sky, right hip crease peeling back. Left heel really reaching towards the back edge of your mat. Spiral your heart open, open up towards the sky. And then when you're ready, slowly follow an exhale. Bring it all the way back down. Both hands on the mat now, we'll step the right toes back. Inhale in. Exhale straight to Down Dog. Or if you want a little vinyasa here, go ahead and take it. Opening the heart in Cobra or Upward Facing Dog. And together we will meet in Downward Facing Dog. Inhale in. Exhale, anchor, anchor in the breath. Good, inhale in again to bend the knees. And exhale to make your way up to the top. Beautiful, inhale to lift halfway. Exhale to soften and fold. Root to rise here, inhale, reach for the sky. Big breath, big stretch. Listen carefully, exhale, wiggle the fingertips, take it all the way back down. Inhale halfway lift. Exhale, soften and fold. Fingertips on the mat. We're gonna step the right foot back now. Stay light on the fingertips. And then slowly lowering to the right knee. Beautiful, inhale, open the chest, look forward. So neck is an extension of the spine here, nice and long. And then exhale, we'll bring the right toes over towards the left side of the mat. Bring your left fingertips around, crawl on the right edge of your mat all the way back until the right hand comes to the earth. We turn the left toes in. We press that hand away to create space, stay connected to your center as you slowly hug the low ribs in and take the left fingertips across the chest and up towards the sky. I'm not collapsing in the neck here. Crown of the head is reaching forward. Good, inhale in here. Press away from the mat a little more. See if you can reach a little higher, press into the outer edge of your left foot. Good, then slowly bring it back down nice and easy. Back the way you came, nice and slow. Seeing if you can stay connected to your center, your core, as you transition. And we'll curl the toes under, plant the right palm, big breath here for our twist as we reach the left fingertips up towards the sky. Start to find some nuance here as we play with repetition. Reaching that right heel back, spiraling the heart up towards the sky. Beautiful, then slowly bring it back down. And again, you get to decide, connect to your body. Connect to the level of energy you have today. Maybe you can take it to Plank and then straight to Downward Dog. Or maybe a little vinyasa, Cobra, Upward Facing Dog. We'll meet in Downward Facing Dog. Reconnect with the sound of your breath here. Maybe close your eyes. Then bend the knees, inhale to look forward. And exhale to make your way to the top. Inhale, flat back position, your version, long neck. Exhale to soften and fold. Root to rise here, inhale, reach for the sky. Ground through your feet. And exhale, hands to heart. Pause here, maybe close your eyes again. Listen to the sound of your breath. This practice, particularly the daily practice, is such a beautiful opportunity, right, for us to connect, right? Just unplug all the other stuff and plug in inward, plug into ourselves. Continuing to make the effort to get to know ourselves and staying curious about that truth that is uniquely yours. Excellent, from here, we'll release the fingertips. We're gonna step the feet nice and wide. So you'll turn on your mat. Step the feet nice and wide. And give yourself a little space, so maybe back up a little bit so you have some room in front of you, then we'll turn the toes in. We'll press into the outer edges of the feet and lift up from the arches like we know. Drawing energy all the way up through the inseam, lifting up from the pelvic floor. And then when you're ready, send your fingertips out. Nice Texas T, pull. Well, it's not really a Texas T if our feet are wide, but you get it. Okay, pull the pinkies back. So we're opening up here, inhale in. Exhale, interlace the fingertips behind the back. The knuckles draw down and away. Keep the chest open. Maybe the arms are a little sore from previous practices, maybe not. And as the knuckles draw down here, you can just find soft, easy movement with the neck. Nodding yes, no, maybe small circles one way and then the other. Good, then inhale in. Exhale, feel that connection, almost like we felt in that breath of fire, that sharp connection in the core of the navel drawing in. So we'll try to recreate that, and from that place of connect that's what we'll try to maintain as we slowly send the hip points back, send the gaze forward. And you're only coming into a flat back position here, best you can. If this is too much on the arms, you can release the bind and bring the hands to the waistline. But draw your shoulder blades together. And we're maintaining this core connection as we hugged the lower ribs up and in, really hug, hug, hug. We're looking down into an imaginary pond. We're not locking out through the knees here so there's a micro bend there. We're looking at our reflection and we're looking, and we're like, "Who am I?" And then we're grounding through the feet to come back up, lift your heart. Lift your head and release the bind, beautiful. Walk the feet in just a little bit wider than hip width apart. And we're going to start to swing the arms to one side and then the other. Soft knees here, knocking on heaven's door. Connecting to the energy. The energetic side of our being. Just roll with me. Right? So a lot of times when I feel drained, I do need to rest, but sometimes when I feel drained, it's that I just have been so disconnected. I really just kind of need to connect to my breath, connect to my body. And then that energy just starts to come alive. So pick up the pace a little bit here and see what happens. You might start to discover there's an opportunity to slap your own booty here. If so, embrace it, I say. Again, soft bend in the knees. We're here for ten, nine, maybe syncing up with the breath. Eight, seven, six. It's okay if you feel goofy, five, four. Three, I'd be worried if you didn't feel goofy. (chuckles) Two. And on the one, just let it slow down and release. Good, let's walk the feet back out, same thing. Turn the toes in, press into the knife edge of the feet. And when I say that, I just mean that sharp outer edge, press it down, draw energy up. Interlace the fingertips. We'll send the fingertips out just so we have this space here. So send of the fingertips out left to right first, breath in. Good. Exhale, interlace again, this time opposites on top. So the one that feels a little funky, a little weird. Then draw the knuckles down and away. So go through your checklist, you have it. There's lots of integrity here. We're strong in the legs. We're lifting up from the pelvic floor. Navel draws in and up. And let's go for a little ride again. Inhale. Exhale, send the hips back. Strong feet. Hug the low ribs in. Keep the back nice and flat. Tuck the chin. Imagine placing a little tea cup on the back of the neck here. Good, staying nice and open through the chest. Core is engaged. So we're drawing the navel up and in, defying gravity here, building a nice strong back. Look into your imaginary pond. Look at your reflection and oh my gosh, notice how beautiful you are. Gorgeous, amazing. Soft bend in the knees, ground through the feet. Let's rise up, take a deep breath in. And exhale, release the bind. Hands come together at the heart. Bend the knees, option to hop the feet together or fancy yoga term, heel-toe, heel-toe the feet together. I always want to say Heel, toe, do-si-do Come on, baby, let's go Boot scoot Cadillac, blackjack (laughing) Just kidding. Baby let's go out back, I wanna boot scoot Well, get down, go to town, turn around Boot scoot boogie I don't even know if those are the words but those are my words. Okay. Take a deep breath in, close your eyes. And as I just did, (laughs) connect to your roots. Feel your feet on the ground. Zip up tight through the legs. And if you feel off-balance here, you can open your eyes and again, just find that soft gaze down past your nose. Help with the stability. Alright, inhale, lift your heart to your thumb, sternum to thumb, shift your weight to your left foot. We've been here before, we got this. Slowly lift the right knee as if there was a marionette string pulling it up. Good, take the right hand to the right shin or the right ankle. We're going to open up through that right hip and maybe bring the right foot either above the left knee or below, even with right toes on the ground. Super awesome Tree Pose. Now, in this Tree, I want to see if you can connect to this upward current of energy through the front body and then connect to this grounding current of energy through the back body. So it's through this balance of opposing intentional energy waves up and down that we can find our midline. In addition, right, we have the alignment of our body and the action of maybe pressing the left thigh in to meet the right, not collapsing into that left foot but really pressing up and out of the ground. Palms can be together here at the heart or maybe we send the fingertips high towards the sky or even use the right hand at a wall or a chair, a piece of furniture to work on this shape while breathing consciously. Wherever you are, inhale, spread the fingertips. Embody it fully, even if you've fallen down. And then exhale, slowly release. We fall, right? I think the practice is a great place to practice falling with grace, with acceptance. Let's shift and take it to the other side. Whenever you're ready, palms come together again. We shift to the right foot, and inhale, a little Vrksasana play, Tree Pose, we lift the left knee and we take our time here so that we're really connecting to the muscles that are going to help us maintain here, right? We're not just kind of on a wing and a prayer like, "Oh," holding ourselves. So feel free to take your time. Find your focus. Connect to the good stuff. Nice, smooth breaths in and out. Maybe we take the fingertips up here again. Thumbs back, pinkies forward, navel's drawing in and up. Strong connection to center. Strong connection to who we are. So some days we have perfect balance, right? And some days, not so much. We ride the wave with the breath, inhale. If you'd like to challenge yourself, you can look up. And exhale, let's bring it all back to Mountain Pose, Tadasana. Palms together at the heart center. Inhale in deeply. Exhale completely. Then walk to feet hip width apart. And we're going to close here today so you can walk up off your mat and into the rest of your day. Or if you're needing a little meditation, you can come to a seat after the video's over or even lie down in Shavasana. Inhale, take a deep breath in. Exhale, relax the shoulders down. And then inhale in again. And exhale to bow the head to the heart. And maybe you open your eyes here and see your sweet feet. Maybe you close your eyes and feel your sweet soul. Good on you for showing up here today. I can't wait to see you again tomorrow. Until then, take good care. Let's do one final conscious breath in together, breathe in. And exhale lots of love out. And we whisper Namaste. (bright upbeat piano music)